Looking For Army

Jia, the poor attendant, timidly approached. "Young Master, forgive me, but should we be worried about facing an army of Demonics in the wild?"

Yun Ming and Baijian exchanged glances. "Our Young Jia might be overwhelmed; he's been acting a bit—let's say, 'off-balance'—lately," Yun Ming whispered.

"Maybe drunk or crazy," Baijian agreed, only half-joking.

The assembly came to an end as they mounted their horses and rode into the dense woods. Qi warriors and archers followed, some young Qi initiates eager for battle mixed in.

Now more familiar with the terrain, it did not take them long to arrive at their first designated stop. With the arrival at the designated location, some archers spread out, setting up for an ambush.

Wuyi was alert, the Statue of Harmony kept giving him feedback. Once the first batch of archers had spread out, they began moving deeper. The archers were their defense in case they had to retreat hastily and needed to buy some time.