It's About to Unfold

Lady Xueyan shrugged. "How old are you, Young Master?"

The question visibly unsettled him because his answer was none.

"How many sieges involving demonics and monsters have you experienced? How many demons and cultivators have you fought?" She took a step closer, pressing for an answer. "I'm a warrior's daughter, Young Master. These may not be polite questions, but I believe I have the right to know."

Wuyi leaned against the wall, scratching his chin thoughtfully; he saw no reason to be truthful here. "I've taken down more men than monsters. I've survived a few sieges, but most were against men, which we broke in the second month. I am—" He met her gaze. "I'm twenty." Whether it was true or not, he felt compelled to say it.

She emitted a sound that was a cross between a satisfied grunt and a snort.