
The Town Chief drew a breath. "Then, if you are a true lord, you will go and rescue this man's daughter."

Zhai Jiang shook his head. "No. Master Yinhua Han is correct. You must call in your outside farmers and move the people into the fort. Not to send anyone out"

The Town Chief shook his fist. "The convoys are coming. If we close the gates, this town will perish!" He paused. "For the love of heavens, there's money involved!"

Master Yinhua Han shrugged. "I hope the money helps when the swamplings come," he said.

As if on cue, the town bell sounded an alarm.

After the Town Chief stormed off to the town below, Zhai Jiang went out on the wall and saw two farms burning. Master Yinhua Han joined him. "I told him to bring the people in last night," he muttered. "The Town Chief is an idiot. Thanks for trying."