Owe The Heavens

Xilai looked up. "In a way, all the summons are demonic, as they are not of this world, but no righteous faction will use that against you. Just how you have fortified your consciousness. Can you channel them through your body?" he asked.

Wuyi frowned. "I know what you mean," he said. "I have tried it. My strength is poor. Over time, I was taught that we grow in strength by the ceaseless exertion of muscle, and that the exercise of power is no different."

Xilai nodded. "True. Mostly true. You have unique access to the power of the beings of different worlds, unlike many bloodlines do." He shrugged.

"But I don't pray or support your heavens as you do maybe that is why i can't channel them through my body," said Wuyi. "What do you expect?"