Family Reunion


"So when are your other fallen siblings going to show up, I hope they are numerous" said Lilith who conjured an apple which she was currently eating when Lucifer showed up.

Lucifer just sighed as he totally forgot she was here all these time, "why do you want to know? Are you perhaps planning on invading Earth?" Lucifer asked her as given her personality, that's actually plausible.

"Is that what you call it? Earth?" Lilith asked with her brow raised.

"Yeah, and if that's what you are thinking, I urge you to not even think about it, he will not hesitate to destroy you" said Lucifer.

"I highly doubt that, it is not going to be farfetched that he is going to give me control to do what I do best" she said as she took another bite of the apple.

"And what would that be?"

"Temptation, I can help you achieve what you want with that, filling Hell with the descendants of Adam and my replacement, isn't that what you want?" Said Lilith.