Oceanus Is Furious

"What Did You Say?"

The voice of a man thundered across the deepest part of the ocean making everyone around him shriek back in fear.

"Mother Earth delivered a message for you and it says 'Metis is Dead'" said the messenger while shaking.

When the man heard this again, he was angered greatly and everyone could clearly see it on his face.

Out of the six thousand children he has, he was more proud of Metis more than anyone due to her accomplishments and now he was being told that his daughter is dead.

That's impossible!!!

What could possibly kill her??

One had to know who she is.

She is Metis, born with the ability to peer into the future, a strategist that could see her enemies make a move and prepare measures against it even before they think of messing with her, so it will be hard for someone to kill her.

There was no other thing that was there for Oceanus to think of that could possibly get his daughter killed.