Monkey King VsThe Fiery Phoenix

"So this is what you are doing with your free time, sending a monkey to steal for you"

The Dragon raised his head to look at the intruder and sighed when he saw who it was "Fiery Phoenix, I see you are out of your cage, what brings you to my home?" The Dragon King asked Feng Huang who came in uninvited.

Feng Huang did not mind him went to take a seat while looking at the jewelry in the hands of the Dragon King "now this is your new lifestyle after getting a human form, training a monkey to steal shiny stuffs for you to hoard them in your little vault behind that wall. I see where Dragons got their greedy nature from" she said pointing at the wall behind the Dragon King.

The Dragon King hid his jewelry behind his back while clearing his throat "what are you doing here? I know it is not to make mockery of me so spill, before I lose my patience" said the Dragon King.