The battlefield was a grinding machine of death.
The ground was a carpet of severed limbs, shattered bones, and blackened blood. The air was thick with the stench of burning flesh and eldritch rot. The sky churned with fire and madness, cracking open to reveal glimpses of twisted, screaming dimensions beyond comprehension.
Demons and Outer horrors ripped each other apart with pure, merciless brutality.
And amidst it all, Bariel and Moronuel waged war.
Bariel was a moving disaster, a storm of pure, unstoppable force.
A towering Outer horror, its form an endless, shifting amalgamation of screaming faces, lashed at him with a hundred arms, each one twisting and splitting into barbed tendrils.
Bariel laughed.
Then he ripped one of the arms off with his bare hands and beat the creature with it.