Von Vancouver

"Hey, are you okay?" Ikor said in a concerned tone to Melissa after the nurse left to give them some privacy. Melissa remained quiet for some time; she seemed to be in a trance-like state.

'Was it so bad that she can't even talk about it?' Ikor pondered as he looked at Melissa's lifeless gaze; she looked like a shell of her former self. Although Melissa was staring at him, at the same time, Ikor could feel she wasn't exactly looking at him. It seemed she was not even acknowledging his presence.

'Is she in some sort of vegetative state?' This was the only thing that came to Ikor's mind as he looked at the white-haired girl.

"What have I done!" Ikor started to feel guilty as he looked at the white-haired girl. "All because of my selfish reason, I brought this upon her. Would she ever recover from this state again?"