A scardy Cat?

Under the blanket of darkness, four students were standing on the roof of one of the academic buildings, looking at Fierce Tigresse Base, the base that was exclusive for only talented females. From the building, the cries of females sounded out, and the constant clash of battles sent light ripples across the surrounding area.

Naturally, the four people watching were Nyx, Violet, Apollo, and the latest addition, Asher. The blond boy with spiky hair had a displeased expression on his face. Why? Because his door was also abruptly kicked open by a certain bald boy in the middle of his peaceful sleep.

"This Von... what's his end goal? Is this goal so important that he's willing to hurt even female students?" Apollo commented, unable to stomach the sight of those pretty female students being hit by Von's large hands. In fact, Apollo hated any man who beat a woman with passion. It was at that moment that he thought of something.