Planners And Solo Cadets

As the cadets each went to their designated team starting area, Alex leaned in, his eyes scanning the faces of his teammates. "Alright, team," he began, his voice steady, "we need a solid strategy if we're going to win this control point clash."

Chloe nodded eagerly, her expression reflecting Alex's determination. "Agreed," she chimed in, her gaze focused and intense. "We can't afford to underestimate the other teams."

Emma glanced around at her teammates, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "I think our best bet is to split up and cover as much ground as possible," she suggested. "We'll need to move quickly and efficiently to capture and defend the control points."

Luella nodded in agreement, as she said. "I'll go first," she offered, her voice confident. "I can use my speed to move ahead and try to capture as much control point as possible."