Hard Choices

The woman beside him gazed at him questionably, although her gaze was still hidden behind a veil. It was obvious she did not support his decision. "What will you do if he ends up copying your ability? Your stubbornness is only going to make things complicated for Zur in the long run."

The man in black smiled beneath his mask. "Like I always say, you should learn to relax. How can you expect him to see what is moving in a frozen world? Even if, let's say, he manages to get a glance at me, he won't have enough time to analyze my mana patterns. I'll just walk in there, put the drug in his mouth, make him swallow it, and step out again."

He chuckled as he slowly rose to his feet. "It's that easy."

Back in the building, Jarmin could be seen planting his fist deep within a demon's head with a pissed expression on his face.

And just as expected, the demon was soon sent hurtling through the air with a trail of blood in its wake.