First Things First

"I'm listening."

Feltor's idea intrigued Lu, mostly because he made it sound like he would actually be stealing more than just useless trinkets.

"I'm sure someone with your skills will have no trouble digging up information about, well, valuables. Bat right now, I'm in a superior position regarding information. I can provide you with intel about all kinds of good stuff to satisfy your desire for theft and possession. If you want, I can also give you details about the places and people holding onto those valuables."

"Where's the fun in that?"


"That was just a joke. There's no need to go the hard route when there's an easy one."


"What's in it for you, other than people not you losing out?"

Lu narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Feltor smiled. Lu liked the idea. If he was asking that, he had basically already accepted it.

"I want the right to be the first to buy what you steal or a part of the profits since, from what I can tell, you're more interested in taking than selling. There are also a couple of things I actually want for myself. But they're too secure for you right now."

"Won't you get in trouble if you start using, selling, or displaying the things I steal? People won't miss that connection, you know?"

Feltor held up both palms and leaned back in his armchair.

"No worries. I have my ways."

Lu looked at Feltor with suspicion. If he were the Prince, recruiting a thief to steal a few things would be simple enough. But the easiest way he could think of to get rid of any ideas people might have regarding an off-the-books cooperation was to kill that thief personally.

There were probably other ways to solve it, especially if Feltor was interested in making their cooperation long-term. But Ackster didn't know what tricks the Prince had up his fancy sleeves or what thoughts his polite smile hid.

"Alright, I guess. There's no reason to reject a win-win deal."

Feltor smiled widely and clapped his hands together.

"Splendid. I knew you would come around, Max."

"But, I'm taking off this ring."

Feltor nodded.

"Of course."

"Then, what's first?"

Feltor shook his head.

"Slow your horses, Max. Before I can give you a target with an easy conscience, you will have to do something about your world essence. By now, anyone at the advanced air stage can notice your presence as easily as if you were stuffing a bouquet of flowers in their face. And trust me, anything worth stealing is going to have at least someone of that stage nearby."

Lu furrowed his brow. That was going to be a problem since he still didn't know how to or whether he should condense his world essence just yet.

"Ah, don't worry. I'm not telling you to condense your world essence."

Feltor assumed that was what worried Lu and caused the white-haired boy's deep frown.

"I'm sure you're laying a solid foundation. I'm almost envious since you haven't slowed down ever since I first saw you. Actually, if you keep this up, your foundation might end up better than even mine. I would love to see it."

Lu didn't know what to think about that since he was still new to the world of world essence condensation.



Feltor retrieved a booklet from underneath his chair and tossed it to Lu.

"It's not like trying to lay a solid foundation is rare, especially for those with Blessings that make it easy. But doing it like you're doing now is like telling everyone about your strength and potential."

Feltor smiled as Lu caught the booklet and started reading it.

"It's no problem for someone without enemies. But if you belong to a faction or a family, people targeting your life is inevitable. This booklet is an essence art designed for situations like that. It will help you prevent the presence of your world essence from leaking as obviously as it does now. Of course, someone strong enough can see through it as easily as glass."

Lu nodded. He had started to understand that what mattered more than one's Blessing, family, money, and status was absolute strength. He just wasn't sure what absolute strength meant. He did know that he wanted it for himself, though.

Lu looked up from the booklet and at Feltor.


"You just need to repay me with your efforts."

Feltor smiled. Lu returned that smile with one of his own.

"That all, then?"

"You've gotten a lot more casual in your language than during our first encounter, Max."

"Naturally. I'm a thief. If you want manners, go to your knights, servants, or nobles or something."


Feltor chuckled before nodding to the door.

"Yeah, yeah. Be on your way, you little rat."

Lu didn't bother saying goodbye as he disappeared through the door toward his own room in the palace. It wasn't as secluded as he would have liked. But it was his personal room that one could enter only with his explicit permission or by opening the door.

Lu took a seat on his bed. Since it was the accommodations of a bread runner, they weren't luxurious by any means. But a bedroom in the palace was better than anywhere Lu had slept before.

It was almost so comfy that Lu didn't want to do anything troublesome. However, he had to learn the essence art Feltor gave him if he wanted to get somewhere in the world.

Lu looked at the booklet.

'Chameleon's Hiding Technique. Advanced water grade essence art.'

Lu wasn't sure what to think of it. In the first place, he wasn't even sure what a chameleon was. But that was maybe proof of how good they were at hiding. In that case, this might be a decent technique. It was of a better grade than Mencer's condensation art, at least.

However, considering the difference in utility, Lu had a feeling that a higher grade condensation art would be rarer than an essence art, especially one that was only good for hiding world essence presence.

Lu started practicing.