Looking For A Bath

Lu took a seat on a stone by the side of the road. He didn't want to sneak into Raiva's city during the night for obvious reasons. But he didn't have any legitimate papers or proofs of identity that could gain him entry. So, he had hoped the guards at the gate would be amenable.

Unfortunately, they stubbornly refused to let him in or help him meet Raiva. Lu frowned in displeasure. Why were they so stiff?

Lu sighed. To think things would be so difficult. He just wanted to meet Raiva again and maybe get a glimpse of the civilization he had missed out on during his forest-based training.

'Should I just…?'

There was a way for him to get Raiva's attention and possibly the entire city's.

If Lu stopped concealing his world essence, someone was sure to notice him and bring him into the city. However, he wasn't sure whether they would bring him to Raiva, the dungeons, or the circus.

"Thanks for not causing too much trouble, Lu."


Lu looked up in surprise. Before he could decide what to do, and without him noticing, Raiva had shown up right in front of him.

"I didn't cause any trouble."

"You tried to bribe my guards. According to them, you also seemed unstable. Unstable people can be violent. So, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that you threatened violence."


Lu looked at Raiva with a saddened expression.

"You would rather believe those guards over me—"


Lu barely had time to finish his question before Raiva gave her answer without a shred of hesitation.

"That's fair. Anyway. Aren't you going to invite me inside?"

Lu patted his knees and stood up. He was ready to walk into Miv.

Raiva shifted her weight to one leg and rubbed her chin while giving Lu a scrutinizing look.

"I'm not sure."

"Why not?"

"Why should I?"

"Because I have something to talk to you about."

Raiva crossed her arms under her ample bosom and leaned forward, bringing her face closer to Ackster's.

"Is that so?"


"You see, I sent a messenger to Leoso after that party."


"And according to the prince, you're a whole pile of thieving trouble."


"You understand if I don't want to invite a thief into my own home, right?"


"Great. Now, be on your way."

Raiva shooed Lu back toward the forest.

Lu didn't move.

"Do you treat all your guests like this?"

"No. You aren't a guest."

Lu frowned.

"I really thought we connected back in Count Yennet's bedroom. Was I wrong?"

Raiva shrugged.

"Maybe. But even if we did, I am not in the habit of entertaining petty thieves."

Lu narrowed his eyes. Raiva's tone seemed too salty for someone who was already aware of the fact that he was a thief. Lu hadn't hidden that he was robbing Count Yennet back then. He doubted the Prince held a grudge against him for stealing a bunch of silver tableware to the point that he would sour his relationship with the Duchess of Bahsi.

"Is something wrong?"

Raiva raised an eyebrow at Lu's question.

"And what would that be?"

Lu shrugged.

"I don't know. Rather than me being a thief, it seems like you're holding something else against me."

Raiva just looked at Lu.

"What are you trying to say?"

"What did the Prince tell you?"

"Nothing special. You're a thief. If I don't put you to work, I risk all my hard work going to waste. You're on the line of being more trouble than you're worth. Oh, right. He also mentioned a baker girl who's been crying her heart out at the castle gates since before you left the Principality."


"That would be Mirrie."

"So, you remember her name."

"Is that what this is about? You're upset about my seemingly flirtatious interactions with you when I have someone waiting for me back home?"

Raiva shrugged.

"The way you treated Mirrie is also a bit disappointing. According to the Prince, you had your way with her before just tossing her aside when you got bored."

Lu frowned.

"That fucking stalker. If he's going to spill all my business, he should at least get his facts straight."

Lu cursed the Prince out under his breath in one fast sentence before looking at Raiva again.

"Now, I know saying I can explain isn't promising, but I can explain."


"Only if you want to hear it, though. Otherwise, I can sleep in a ditch again before making my way somewhere else."

Raiva looked at Lu for several long moments with a stern expression.


Lu nodded.

"Right. I used Mirrie to get access to the Prince's palace so that I could steal back my necklace. I charmed Mirrie to make the process easier. I intentionally broke her heart after that so she wouldn't skip out on work to hang out with playboys, thus making her old and sickly father work harder than necessary. I figured that if she were heartbroken over me, she would cherish the one person in her life who would work himself to his bones to make sure she has a future."


"Genius, right? I saved a family—"

"Horrible. Lu, horrible."

Lu's proud smile froze. That wasn't the reaction he had expected.

'Well, that's a bummer.'

It seemed like he would have to give up on Raiva. It was a shame. She was the most beautiful person he had seen. She also seemed to have a great personality despite all the rumors about her. Lu wasn't sure where he would have taken a relationship with her. But he at least wanted to explore that future.

Lu shrugged and turned around.

"I'll take my leave, then. Sorry to bother you."

'Now then. Where to?'

Lu already started thinking about where to go next. He wasn't interested in returning to Leoso. The Prince was annoying. He wondered if there would be anything at the Bahsi Mountain. Or maybe he should go to the capital. There should be a whole bunch of rich nobles with more good stuff than they knew what to do with.

Most importantly, the capital would have places to bathe and clean up. Lu had tried to use streams in the forest to stay clean. But that water was goddam cold.
