Silverwind Fern

The room lay in an eerie silence, disrupted solely by the relentless cascade of rain outside. Thunder echoed through the night, casting an uneasy atmosphere that denied Zhihao a peaceful sleep on the sofa.

Wrapped tightly in a blanket, he perceived an unsettling noise, a disturbance permeating his senses. Irritated, he relinquished his attempt at rest, rising to sit on the sofa. His eyes scanned the room, seeking the elusive source of the disconcerting sound from all angles.

Upon closer inspection, Zhihao realized the disconcerting sound didn't originate from the external environment but rather echoed within his mind. Swiftly, he accessed the information data, unveiling a mysterious source that demanded his attention.

[Data Information:

Name: Lin Zhihao

Race: Human

Profession: Alchemist (Novice)

Profession EXP: 55% to Apprentice

Age: 17

Cultivation: Not Cultivate (100% to Chi Gathering) Proceed Meditation to Awaken.

Dantian: 100

Chi Regeneration: 10%

STR: 5

DEX: 5

END: 5

INT: 25

WIS: 25

CHA: 10

More Details]

Startled, Zhihao threw off his blanket, leaning forward with a newfound seriousness. "Undoubtedly, this is the outcome of the Power Link skill."

His gaze shifted, landing on Xinran's tightly sealed room. "Is she still awake at this hour?" he pondered.

With a muttered reflection, Zhihao redirected his focus to the hologram before him. "This can wait, can't it?" he contemplated, acknowledging the necessity to delve deeper into meditation and organize his thoughts.

[Yes. Preparation is important to keep yourself fit to support success in meditation.]

"Glad to hear that," he rose from his seat. "Let's see what we have in this cold."

The weary man headed to the kitchen, precisely to check if there were still ingredients in the cabinet that he wanted to make his favorite concoction. "Oh no," he uttered, his expression turning sour. "How could I forget this?"

He picked up a few containers that had nothing in them, putting them back into the cabinet. "Is it still pouring outside?" he questioned, realizing that the sound of rain had faded.

Swiftly, the man with disheveled black hair unlatched the window shutters, unlocking the front door. As the brisk breeze caressed his skin, the downpour had noticeably subsided, its intensity diminishing.

"It's too dangerous to venture out for herbs now," he sighed, arms folded tightly to shield himself from the cold. "Who knows if hungry beasts won't roam later."

"Who are you talking to?" the voice then made Zhihao turn around, seeing Meisha wearing her black nightdress. "Why are you outside?"

The surprised man responded, "Sister, did you save the remains of the White Warmer?"

The curled red-haired woman was confused, not knowing what the term meant until she remembered something. "Oh, that brew," she replied as she opened the door wide. "I think I keep it in the basement."

Meisha then stepped inside, halted, and turned to her brother, "Go inside! You might catch a fever if you continue to be there at this temperature."

Zhihao nodded and heeded her advice until they noticed that the brunette woman had come out of the room. "Oh, Xinran," Meisha called in a not-so-high tone. "Can't sleep?"

The white nightgown she wore revealing her shoulders, flickered by the lantern light, she with a smile on her face, shook her head. "Ah, no, auntie. I was just meditating."

"Oh, looking for something to fill your stomach?" Meisha stepped towards the kitchen. "Good time, I was about to make some food since I felt the same way."

Xinran deftly said, "I want to help!" She ran over to Meisha and arranged some utensils.

Meanwhile, Zhihao re-locked the front door and stepped towards them. "Sister, do we have Silverwind Fern left?" he inquired because Zhihao had acquired a new mission from the system.

"Yes, I almost forgot," she replied and turned around to look at him. "You want to collect it? Eat first then I'm allowed it!"

"Gather where?" now the curious Xinran chimed in, she looked fresh and no fatigue could be seen on her face.

"Well, Golden Tree Forest of course," he smiled, watching her closely. "That area is full of herbs."

"Um..." Xinran stammered, avoiding direct eye contact with Zhihao as she looked around. "Since it's a holiday, can I come and assist you?"

Zhihao hesitated, considering the potentially exhausting and tedious nature of the task. However, he couldn't underestimate her enthusiasm for elixirs; her curiosity was a crucial trait for an alchemist.

"Jia and I are heading out this morning," Meisha declared, igniting the stove with a wok. "If you two want to go together, it's fine, as long as no one is home alone."

She turned to the woman with loose hair. "Especially for you, Xinran," Meisha directed her attention back to her brother. "Whether you go out or not, stay together, don't be separated."

The rain ceased, allowing sunlight to pierce through the lingering black clouds shrouding the sky. The aroma of damp earth permeated the air, bursting with freshness, while birds flitted from rooftop to rooftop, filling the morning with cheerful chirps.

Zhihao, this time, slung a rattan basket over his back as he assisted Xinran with hers. "Xinran, you don't need to borrow this," he commented. "One basket is sufficient."

"It's okay," she replied with excitement, stepping out onto the veranda, a wide smile on her face. "We might as well gather plenty of ingredients."

Smiling at her enthusiasm, Zhihao shared the excitement. After locking the front door, they ventured into the Golden Tree Forest, following Jia and Meisha, who had left earlier for undisclosed business. Zhihao couldn't help but find their quick closeness somewhat peculiar.

The journey was accompanied by limited conversation, with Xinran posing questions about Twinhill Village that the boy struggled to fully comprehend. Nevertheless, Zhihao managed to gather information about Jinsao school and its teachings.

However, they didn't know that there were some individuals following them.

It didn't take too long when they reached the forest adorned with beautiful leaves. As Zhihao and Xinran searched for herbs deeper into the inner area per Meisha's guidance, the forest remained undisturbed.

Sunlight filtered through the foliage, creating an enchanting silhouette that captivated Xinran. "This place is beautiful!" she exclaimed, momentarily mesmerized by the scenery.

Zhihao responded with a warm smile. "Yeah, nature has no end of ways to surprise us," he uttered, looking around for Silverwind Fern. "I can't even believe these trees have such magnificent leaves color at first sight."

"Hey, you there!" A loud voice from an unknown source prompted Zhihao and Xinran to simultaneously turn their heads toward the source. Three individuals stood behind them.

The person at the forefront, appearing messy and tense, called out again. "Need help with something?"