Mineral Transmutation

Gracious and bowed down, Sanmei conveyed a salutation followed by Zhihao. "Glad we could help your tribe in need."

"Ah, a new face has stood before us," the old Ferine took a cautious look at Zhihao which made the man nervous. "Who are you, child?"

"Oh, I—" Just before Zhihao finished his sentence, Sanmei elbowed him right in the chest.

"Maintain courteous," the woman whispered, warning with earnest expressed in her face.

Zhihao comprehends, obeys Sanmei then responds in a small, meek tone, "I am Zhihao, Mrs. Sanmei's assistant."

"Oh, as I expected. You look like an alchemist," the cat elder uttered, his mustache thriving until it almost touched the ground. "It is indeed suited you well. I am Faland."

Zhihao nodded and maintained his adequate. "Nice to meet you, Elder Faland. It's been an honor to work with the noble."