The Nightmare and 01

Yinyue's heavy eyelids grew heavier, succumbing to the weight of exhaustion. The bustling sounds of the day gradually dissolved into murmurs. She could hear the hushed whispers and breaths of her hidden guards keeping vigil in the night.

The cool air swept across her face, soothing her fatigued mind. Her mind fell into the comforting embrace of darkness.

Images of her activities during the day waned along with the dull aches of every muscle in her body.

At first, her sleep was subtle, with a faint unease creeping into the edges of her consciousness. Tendrils of darkness had plunged her mind into the black void. From the depths of silence, a piercing wail shattered the tranquility, wrenching Yinyue from her peaceful sleep.

Her eyes snapped open towards the sky, greeted by an eerie haze that blurred the distinction between night and day. That piercing wail grew into desperate cries of thousands. The smell of wood and earth burning mingled with the unforgettable stench of charring human flesh and fat.

The familiar contours of her chamber vanished, replaced by a swirling orange haze. Yinyue was no longer in her room but out somewhere in the open. Around her were bright flames of red and orange dancing in a wild frenzy, devouring everything in their path like gluttons.

She sprang to her feet and surveyed the surrounding area. Men, women and children were running around like panicking ants, with screams and cries escaping their mouths. Her eyebrows furrowed at the surreal scene.

The scorching heat licked at the skin on her face, stinging her with intensity. This isn't real, but a nightmare, Yinyue thought. Pain disappeared as quickly as it came.

A haunting familiarity stirred within her as she watched the blazing city and the people running around.

She could make out the faint outline of the large city wall, now a jagged silhouette against the backdrop of a blood-red smoky sky. The towers around reached out like skeletal fingers, attempting to grasp at the heavens for succour. The scenery was like a living hell.

And she stood in the middle of that living hell.

She returned to the moment after her death in the first lifetime. Same burning scene. And the same place.

Why did she return to the past? A sense of dread crept in — Was she dead?

Her instincts screamed at her, telling her it wasn't real. Nothing is real here.

Sudden crackling, creaking, and then the loud roar of the inferno brought a huge shadow of charred building remnants crumbling to the ground in front of her. The noises from the people died down. Yinyue glanced around. No one was around at all.

Different now.

Yet, the unsettling illusion of the fiery inferno played on like a reminder or an attempt to tell her something. Her eyes squinted at the moving shadows behind the bright flames. Yet, her eyes couldn't make out who or what those were.

She took a step forward. The fire cannot hurt her.

From the corner of her eyes, shadows of human-like figures darted. A hand gripped her shoulder. She swung around, only to face the back of a tall man.

His back, with peculiar hair style of side plaits secured by beads around the back of his long brown hair, reminded her of 01. His height was about right, too.

"01?" She called out, reaching for him.

She felt elated when she saw a familiar person, even if it was all a nightmare.

No answer.

The man continued walking ahead through the burning destruction. The smoke parted like curtains for him to walk through. She quickened her pace to catch up.

Alas, the figure always kept more than an arm's length away. Despite her efforts to catch up, he remained out of reach, leaving her with more questions than answers.

With little choice, Yinyue followed the figure. He led her through the burning city toward the open gates.

As they reached the outskirts of the inferno, Yinyue prepared to speak, but before she could utter a word, the figure turned to face her.

Shock and horror at the sight of its face unleashed within beyond her control. Panic seized her chest, squeezing the breath from her lungs. She screamed, and the ground shook, opening up and swallowing her into the pitch black abyss. Yinyue plummeted into the bottomless pit.

"Big bad dreams. How many times did you say you tried shaking her awake?"

Yinyue could hear Chiyin's voice, but she couldn't move from the endless falling.

"Five. Could it be those herbs you told me to add?"

She recognized Ayi's voice.

"Nothing is wrong with my prescription. Wait, lemme check the dregs from the last concoction she drank…weird…"

"What's weird?" Ayi asked.

"Smell this for yourself…"

Yinyue realized she was in some drug induced state, unable to wake up from the pitch blackness. She could hear them speak, but had no way of telling them anything. Her body caged her in without her mind able to control it. She was a prisoner.


"Did you leave the herbal medicine alone while it was cooking?" Chiyin asked.

"No. My eyes are on it all the time. Could you pack the herbs wrong?" Ayi retorted.

"No. I don't…um…"

Yinyue felt like screaming at Chiyin. His tone suggested he may have been a culprit. Accidental, but still the culprit for her current predicament.

"Uh huh…you don't WHAT?"

"I was busy looking after 01 and that magistrate's boy…and then she also wanted that lure powder for beasts…OWWWW…why did you pull my ear?"

Yank that ear, Yinyue thought. Yank it well. And yank it hard. She didn't care if Ayi yanked off Chiyin's ear.

"What's that black pill?"

"Antidote to reverse the effect…you are lucky your father gave me this…or you'll be in trouble."

"Why didn't he give me that?"

"Look at this mess you caused…then tell me why…," Ayi grumbled.

Yinyue felt someone sitting her up. She could feel the calluses on the finger, prying her mouth open. Something small and round entered her mouth. It must be that pill. The pill burst into terrible bitterness upon touching her tongue.

Her lips felt the clay rim of the cup and cool water poured into her mouth. Some trickled down her lips, creating a moist trail down her neck.

Yinyue's eyes bolted open, and she jerked up, gasping for air. The world around her slowly sharpened into focus. The dimly lit room revealed the concerned faces of both Chiyin and Ayi hovering near her. Their brows furrowed with worry.

Yinyue's chest heaved while catching her breath. Bits and pieces of the nightmare floated about in her mind. She reached up to touch her face, feeling the clammy sweat that coated her skin.

She was back in her room again. Back from the nightmare. As soon as she woke up, she forgot what made her scream in that nightmare. She couldn't even remember what she saw on that face of 01.

Did 01 even have a face?