"The overwhelming defeat"

Humans haven't lost their humanity; instead, they may struggle to express it at times because it's just an illusion.

"He uttered these words while gazing at the heap of scattered corpses strewn across the battlefield. How can a person be so cruel as to kill a group of humans merely for opposing him? Yet, we were just pawns manipulated on the chessboard, and King Louis Dorman was the one moving them."

"I am the strategist Dimitri, and I swear by revenge."

"Some members of the army were saying in hushed voices."

How could he do this to us, we are humans like him, It seems the idea of a revolution was a misguided one. His relentless army easily defeated ours in a 30-day war


We retreated to the mountains to reorganize our ranks. 'Half of our army's forces are death ; how can we continue the war?' This was the only idea circulating in the minds of the military leaders, and this sense of despair managed to permeate through the rest of the army

"After 15 minutes inside the meeting tent."

The overall leader of the coup spoke, 'We have lost many soldiers and three military commanders. We have one more attempt; if we fail, the army will collapse, and our dream of achieving peace will come to an end.' He looked at Dimitri and asked, 'Strategist Dimitri, what is your opinion?'