Luck and Unluck

" Well, whatever " He ignored it as he went back to destroying the hive, trying to head down to the queen's cell.

Bizzz !! Bizzz!! Bizzz!! Bizzz!!

Wasps smaller and darker than those he encountered earlier swarmed him as he fell into one of the many passage areas in the hive.

Crack!! Crack!! Crack!! Crack!! Crack!!

Under the strength of the wasps' mandibles and stings, Ossa's bones cracked, unable to heal fast enough.

With his blackened arm, he stabbed one of his assailants. His fingers crushed upon impact, as he had now encountered a mystic wasp, their exoskeleton harder than arctic blue ore.

"Huh..." Ossa's dark green, flickering eyes bulged momentarily in surprise as it felt like he had hit an impenetrable wall.

Crack!! He was brought out of his shock as he found himself on the ground, his leg broken by the mandibles of the mystic wasp.