Master and Summon; unconscious.

"Ossa, what took you so long? You are the last one here," Bel remarked as Ossa joined the group.

Umbranis and Mystara had finished their hunt, with Umbranis sharing the core with Mystara, who gladly accepted it.

The other two, Bel and Lucy, were the first to arrive. After a couple of hours of walking, Bel decided they should turn back, the two did not even hunt because Bel had supposedly missed Ossa. The omega raised an imaginary eyebrow at the teenage girl's strange behavior.

"Yeah, sorry, I was sidetracked," Ossa said. Bel sensed the distress in the skeleton's voice, something noticeable only to her as she was his master.

"Os...?!" She tried to speak but was interrupted by Ossa, who walked toward her.

"I have a gift for you." He opened his palm, the golden rays of the setting sun bouncing off the silver surface of the locket he held.