Sinner's Finale

"Lady Furina, this "test" has been unilaterally proposed by the prosecution. As it falls outside the realm of standard court proceedings, you possess the right to decline participation."

Sitting on the seat of the Chief Justice, Neuvillette solemnly watched as Furina shed a few tears into the primordial seawater. His heart wavered as he looked at his long lived friend shedding tears with that sorrowful expression. But he remained still and stalwart as ever. 

He was the impartial Judge. He had to take every trial seriously, handing out verdicts with impartiality. He couldn't make an exception even if it was for his friend.

If possible, he would never let any prosecutors make such extreme demands, just to prove a point. But with the threat of the prophecy imminent, he could not let Furina be stubborn anymore and withhold the information she knew from them. So, he gave Navia and Traveler implicit permission to do everything they could to bring that information to light.

(Please make the right decision, Lady Furina.)

A few seconds passed as he silently watched over Furina. And finally, she seemed to have made her choice. 

He jolted in his seat as he watched her extend her hand towards the primordial seawater. He frantically spoke/shouted.

"Due to the inherent risk of the test, Lady Furina, you may-"

But he was too late. Furina had already dipped her hand into the primordial seawater.

In the silence that followed, he looked on in horror as her body quickly dissolved.

The water spread on the stage and formed a small puddle. The iconic blue suit and white clothes were slowly being soaked in the water and her hat laid over her clothes. 

Silence followed… Silence that was unbearable for him...

The sound of raindrops broke the silence.

Soon chaos ensued. The solemn Opera Epiclese was quickly filled with all kinds of noises. In the midst of the chaos, Clorinde, Traveler and a few others frantically ran towards the stage before all of them were swept away by a powerful force.


Neuvillette heavily landed on the stage. He stood up with great efforts and took a step forward. Each step felt heavier and slower than the last.

A cacophony of noises filled the hall but he could hear nothing. The loud sound of the heavy rain seemed to drown out everything. Everywhere in the hall, people were screaming and crying. Yet he could see nothing, but the empty clothes before him.

The rain outside the opera hall kept on increasing in intensity.

The moment he reached what was left of Furina, his knees buckled and he kneeled on the floor. His aloof expression broke down into with sorrow, as he gathered her clothes in one hand while searching for any traces of her in the puddle with his free hand. 

'The dissolved person will be reborn as an Oceanid and merge with the sea.' 

He was well aware of this fact, so he had to find her before that happened. Perhaps, there was still a chance that Furina might be alive.

Though he was already aware that what he held was a futile hope.

He searched and searched and searched. But even with his sensitivity to the water element, he could not feel her existence in that puddle of water. But he didn't falter. He didn't give up. He kept on searching.

Traveler: "-Neuvillette."

A hand was placed on his shoulder and his focus finally wavered. He turned his head with great difficulty and looked over his shoulder. 


Anger suddenly surged in his heart when he recognized the trio of prosecutors who pushed Furina to her death. He abruptly stood up as hydro elemental energy fluctuated around him.

Paimon: "Eeek!!"

The small floating fairy shrieked and flew backwards. The Traveler and Navia also stepped back in alert and each took a stance. 

The elements gathered around the three individuals and shook the surroundings. 

The noisy hall finally turned silent.

The sound of the heavy rain became even more prominent in that silence.

That tense atmosphere persisted for a few seconds. Everyone in the hall focused on their standoff. Nobody dared to move. Nobody dared to make even the smallest sound. All of them unconsciously realized that, even a small movement or sound could create a spark and light the fire. The situation will then become irredeemable.


The first to step down was Neuvillette. He sighed as his abrupt anger cooled down and he finally regained his composure, albeit barely. 

 "…I apologize."

He spoke in a hoarse voice. The Traveler and Navia seemed to lower their guards at his apology. He slightly nodded his head and slowly took a step back, so as to no antagonize them any further. 

The last thing he wanted was to start a fight in the Opera Epiclese. 

He looked around the hall. Everyone was looking at him. Their brief interaction served well to quell the chaos in the hall. But he knew the real chaos was only just beginning.

He clutched Furina's clothes in his hands and slowly moved towards his seat. He passed by the sobbing Clorinde without saying a word.

(Furina is gone.) 

He found it difficult to accept that fact…500 years… They have managed Fontaine together for 500 years, and for it to end in this way.

(It is my fault.)

He blamed the trio of prosecutors just now but the one to give them permission to go forth with their demand was him. The one to propose to try Furina in the court was him. All of the blame lies with him.

Even though he didn't know much about Furina as a person, he thought he knew her well. He thought he understood her nature. He believed that she will reveal the truth if she was pushed to the brinks of her limit. He believed she would place more importance on her life than the secret she was hiding. 

(I killed her. We killed her). 

He was overconfident. He was arrogant. 

Even though this kind of incident was not his first. Even though he promised to not repeat the same mistakes again.


The silhouette of Furina in his mind interlaced with another figure from his past. 

400 years ago, the young and innocent melusine, Carole, had followed him to Fontaine and joined the Marechaussee Phantom. She was mistreated badly by the people she had to protect. The humans hated and suspected her just because she was different than them. Yet, she never complained. Her determination to serve the people never wavered. She was always cheerful and honest. 

What about him? He knew about her mistreatment but he never took any action. He thought that her display of honesty will solve the problem eventually, that the people would eventually accept outsiders like them. 

He realized his own arrogance and idiocy only when Carole was forced to sacrifice her life to prove her innocence and prevent conflict between the regular people and the Gardes. 

Sacrifice is a lavished word. In truth, the 'hardliners' couldn't accept outsiders like her and lynched her. 

His closest subordinate, Vautrin, was the only person who truly cared for Carole. He knew that and yet, he had judged Vautrin with a cold heart without any leniency, simply because he was the Iudex.

(I have not changed at all.)

Furina too cared for the people of Fontaine. She would never do anything to harm Fontaine. He knew that and yet, he still judged her, the same way he had judged Vautrin.

The unforgivable fact was that, he was now a part of the 'hardliners' and Furina was the victim. They were the one who forced her to take her own life. The reason for their action was irrelevant compared to what she had done for Fontaine for all these years.

His lamentation came to an end when he reached his seat. He gently placed the clothes he carried on the table, and picked up the cane that had fallen to the floor.

He looked around the entire hall once again. His clouded eyes surveyed each person one by one, and he could feel his own emotions resonate with them. He was not the only one affected by Furina's death. Everyone in the hall were affected. 

They may have accused her for impersonating the Hydro Archon, but the place that she occupied in each of their heart was not false. They may have been disappointed due to her inaction to protect the people of Fontaine from the prophecy, but none of them truly hated her. Everyone was sad at her death. Everyone was mourning for her in their own ways... But

(Now is not the time to drown in our sorrow.)

The prophecy was still looming just above their head. Until this imminent threat is averted, he cannot waver. The people of Fontaine cannot waver.


His cane hit the ground. As he thought about the best way to relay his thoughts, a faint light emerged from behind him. He looked back and was forced to close his eyes when the Oratrice shone with a bright light. 

The light intensified until it eventually covered the entire hall. When he opened his eyes a moment later, he realized that his surroundings were changed. 

The Opera Epiclese was now flooded with water and a large shining sword was rotating in the water. 

But the most important thing was… Furina… she was here.

"…Lady Furina…"

He didn't know what was happening but he sincerely wished that the person in front of him was Furina, he wished that this was not a dream. But his hopes were crushed as soon as it emerged.

Furina???: "Neuvillette."

The eyes of this person held such sorrow and regret, as deep as the ocean itself. He quickly realized that she was not Furina. 

"You! Who are you!!?"

His tone was much more aggressive than he liked. But could he be blamed? He was still not over the death of his friend and an 'imposter' of her had appeared before him.


In an isolated space inside the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. 

From there, the Hydro Archon observed every event occuring in Fontaine.

The threat of the prophecy was now imminent and the people have decided to prosecute Furina in the court for impersonating her. Although it pained her heart to see Furina making such a sorrowful expression, she stood steadfast. 

After all, her 'humanity' still needed to play her part. 

 "Please endure for just a bit longer, Furina."

Only a few part of the prophecy remained. Then the rest was up to her.

To deceive the heavenly principles, she has to first deceive herself. 

Her plan to deceive the 'Heavenly Principles' was proceeding without any major problems until now. 

But she had made a mistake in her plan. 

In order to completely deceive the divine, she failed to give enough importance to the mundane.

How could a god like her completely understand the heart of a mortal?

Navia: [So, Miss Furina, would you dare to touch some of this primordial seawater? If we are to believe that you are indeed the real Hydro Archon, touching this seawater would have no effect on you. All it should do is strengthen your case. But if you don't dare to touch this, then we have basically proved the reverse.]

When the primordial seawater was brought forward in the trial, a premonition rose in the depths of her heart.

A moment later, she saw Furina shedding a few tears into the primordial seawater. For just a moment, the pain in her heart intensified and she just wanted to step out from the Oratrice and stop the trial. But that thought was gone just as quick as it appeared.

Her faith in Furina remained stronger. She appeased her emotions and remained still. 

The pressure from the people was strong but the outcome of her choices should be clear to Furina. If she touched the primordial seawater, she would dissolve and her lies would be clear. If she didn't, the suspicions towards her might be completely established but she would still be alive, and she can still try to somehow appease the situation. 

She was sure that Furina was also aware of this fact, and that she would make the correct decision. She had complete faith that Furina would choose to not go through with this ridiculous "test". 

She had faith that her 'ideal' would remain determined.

How could she completely understand the suffering of a weak mortal human who was forced to live for 500 years in solitude, while suppressing all of 'her' and imitate a 'god'? 

She made a mistake. A mistake that can never be undone.

[I am sorry, mirror-me.]

When those remorseful words reached her, she finally realized her mistake. But she was too late by then.

The only thing she could do was watch on as Furina rapidly dissolved into water. 

It took a while for her to comprehend what happened. And when she did, her mind blanked out and…


She collapsed on the wooden stage. Her desperate yells echoed in the isolated space.

Her hands reached out to that close yet distant place, where Furina last stood. But her hand could never reach her now. Her wish would never reach her.

…She was too late…


She refused to believe the cruel truth before her and kept on screaming out her heart.

Furina. Her humanity. Her ideal. The most kind and lovable girl.

"She is not dead. She is not dead. She is not dead. She is not-"

Her voice was hoarse. Her speech was slurred. Her tears were never-ending.

Yet the truth was there in front of her. No matter how much she averted her gaze, no matter how much she denied it, the truth will always be there.

"...….She can't be dead..."

Focalors wept.

She shed tears for what felt like eternity, until the entire isolated space was flooded with water. 

She had never deceived the Heavenly Principles. Furina had dissolved and only the Hydro Archon remained, weeping on her throne.

She shed tears, until even the tears of the 'God of Water' dried out.


[But I promise you... all will eventually end in a magnificent and dramatic trial, and everyone will be saved.]

The words she told Furina a long time ago surfaced in her mind. Her dry eyes began to fill with tears once again.

 (...I am sorry…)

500 years ago. She had asked Furina to take all of the burdens that should have rightfully been hers, while she shut herself in this isolated realm to gather enough power and destroy the divine throne.

She had considered the lives of the people of Fontaine as more important than the wellbeing of a sole person. 

But as she watched Furina act out her role diligently, without a single voice of complaint, all while enduring endless suffering and loneliness to perform that role, her priority had changed. 

She now wanted to see Furina live out her 'own' story, make friends, and show a smile from the bottom of her heart. She wanted her to live a long and happy life.

But the prophecy prevented her wish from being fulfilled. That's why she never interfered even when her heart ached to see her suffer.

When everything was over, she had hoped that she could embrace her and express her wish to her (Thank you for all you've done, Furina. From this moment on, please live happily as a human.) before she left this world.

But that was not possible now.

She wanted to give up. She realized that she had never managed to deceive the heavenly principles. All of the suffering that Furina endured the last 500 years were in vain. At the very end, the one that cried on the throne was undoubtedly the Hydro Archon.

She wanted to give up. After watching the people of Fontaine force Furina to sacrifice herself, even if she knew that she was also equally guilty, her will to protect them still diminished. 

[If there were scales, with all the people of Fontaine on one side, and my pain on the other. Is it not obvious where the scales should tilt?]

Oh, how kind Furina was. She was so willing to suffer in order to protect the people of Fontaine. 

And she had taken it for granted.

[A trial, huh... How exciting. I'll be looking forward to it.]

Oh, how innocent Furina was. She easily believed in every words of a stranger like her.

And she had deceived such an innocent girl.

(…Not yet…)

She wiped the tears in her eyes and slowly stood up. She wanted to give up but she could not do something so irresponsible.

No matter how much she cried at her death, Furina will never return. No matter how much she berated herself, time will not turn back.

(Please wait a bit longer, Furina.)

She could not give up yet and let the people of Fontaine be doomed.

Just like how, when she asked Furina to act as a god, she had given her no other choices, she too had no other choices. 

In order to make sure her suffering was not in vain, in order to protect her kindness and innocence, she had no choice but to move forward and save the people who killed her. Even if she hated that idea.



The Hydro Dragon Sovereign. 

He was supposed to play a crucial role to prevent the prophecy in her plans. To that end, she had invited him to Fontaine and gave him the position of Chief Justice, so that he can learn more about the heart of the mortal and be on the side of Fontaine when the calamity struck. 

Neuvillette: "You! Who are you!!?"

He was also one of the sinners responsible for Furina's death. If possible, she didn't wish to talk with him more than she needed.

"I am Focalors."

So her answer was short and clear. 

Learning of her identity, Neuvillette only widened his eyes in slight surprise for a split second. His fierce expression quickly turned indifferent as he looked at her with well hidden disappointment. 

Neuvillette: "…Focalors…"

He muttered in a low voice. 

The Hydro Archon he was searching for was finally before him. The answer to all his questions was before him. But all he felt at this moment was grief and regret, especially when he gazed into her 'hollow' and 'dead' eyes. 

Yet he had to ask.

Neuvillette: "Why have you deceived us?"

Focalors was exactly identical to Furina. Or perhaps, it was the other way around. Whatever the case, their identical look gave him some form of answer to their relation.

"I will answer all the questions you have, so listen well."

She closed her eyes and thought of everything that have occured, from the beginning of her birth to this moment. 

So Focalors spoke, about the 'original sin', the prophecy, and her plan to deceive the heavenly principles. She spoke about her role, about Furina and her role, about Neuvillette and his role, in the grand play she had orchestrated for 500 years. She neither exaggerated nor undermined the truth. She didn't let her emotions sway her words and spoke with complete neutrality. 

After having all the answers to his questions, what did Neuvillette feel? Only an overwhelming sense of futility.

The suffering that Furina endured, that he overlooked, was all in vain. He was the one who judged her to death. The plan that Focalors prepared, was all in vain. And now she was about to be judged before him. 

And he could do nothing about it but lament at his own incompetence.

"I will still go through my death sentence. For that is the punishment for my sins."

She declared. 

"I will destroy the divine throne and return the authority of the Hydro Archon to you. Then you will take on all the sins and declare the people of Fontaine 'not guilty'."

He looked down with unease. Her words were really overbearing for him.

Neuvillette: "I am the one who killed Furina. Why do you still trust in me so much?"

"I don't trust you."

Her answer was swift. A bitter smile appeared on her lips. 

"If you do take the same actions like I said, I will be grateful. But if you don't, I can only consider the prophecy to be their punishment for killing Furina." 

Neuvillette finally realized. Focalors had no more desire to protect Fontaine. The reason she told him everything, the reason she still thought of going through with her plan to sacrifice herself, was only due to her love for Furina. 

"Leaving the final decision up to you is the only thing I can do now to protect the people of Fontaine." 

She took a few steps backward and stopped when she was right beneath the sword that eagerly waited to judge her for her sins.

"Please use you full power as an Elemental Sovereign to prove the prophecy wrong."

She slowly knelt down on the ground and bowed her head, as the sword above her head emitted a powerful light and stopped spinning. 

"That shall also be the punishment for your sins."

The sword of judgement came slicing down and the sinner's head was severed.

(…My kind and lovely Furina, you are not alone anymore. I will always be there for you from now on...)