Miracle Of An Immortal

The process of testing for Heretics continue long after Asher had been deemed one.

The mood among the commoners had become rather tense and more people had been brought in by the knights after having found them. These new people joined the line too, further growing it. 

There was another factor adding to this though, which was the attitude of the Immortals present. Since Immortal Han Mu had been injured, her two immortal companions did not seem to have the relaxed demeanor like before.

They were tense too and were monitoring her condition.

"Han Mu, what happened?" Immortal Yan decided to question.

"I… Don't know exactly." Immoral Han Mu answered. "I used one of the spells we had been taught to check for heretics. Since we had not seen any First generation Heretics before, I wished to test the spell and see how it worked for myself. But I never expected there to be such a reaction." She explained.

"Did that heretic do something?" Immortal Wu Lei asked. 'It couldn't have been right? Did we really make the mistake of taking heretics lightly?' He wondered to himself.

Even though he had the belief that no human here, whether heretic or not, could harm an Immortal, the situation earlier still shook that belief. Wu Lei was also reminded of the warnings of their elders, which said that they should never underestimate Demons and their schemes.

Since the Heretics were ultimately considered to be the pawns of Demons, this would fall into the same category too.

"I don't think he did anything… As far as I can tell, while the Heretic Detector does declare him a First Generation Heretic, the spell I used seems to have collapse before it could fully succeed. I think… It might just have been my mistake in using the spell lightly." Immortal Han Mu confessed in a low voice.

"That cannot be." Immortal Yan rejected that. "Those spells have been perfected by the elders over thousands of years. Even the uninitiate Immortals would be able to use them with little to no issue. It is definitely something to do with the heretic… the way your spell collapsed, it seemed to have been blocked and then a recoil was generated." He gave his thoughts.

But hearing those, Immortal Han Mu did not seem to be in agreement yet. She still had her misgivings, but did not feel like it would be worth debating it further. It also didn't help that she wasn't feeling excellent due to the recoil from the spell collapse.

A splitting headache was currently ailing her with a pain in her eyes that was making it hard to keep them open for long. This had affected her ability of using Immortal magics and had basically left her to be cared for by her companions.

"Do you wish to use an elixir?" Immortal Yan asked.

"No… we best keep them for true emergencies." Immortal Han Mu denied immediately. "They are far too valuable to be used for something like this." She shook her head.

"Very well… Just rest for now. We'll leave soon. Once that's done, I'll tend to you personally. It is not appropriate to do that in front of humans." Immortal Yan replied.

"Thank you… Immortal Yan." Immortal Han Mu said with gratitude before closing her eyes to rest.

She merely listened to the testing process that ran while her companions watched it all. They even glanced at the lost figure of Asher among the Heretics a couple of times, but lost interest in seeing that he did not move at all.

"Looks like he learned his lesson… A mere heretic dares protest in front of a sacred immortal." Immortal Wu Lei cursed under his breath.

Sometime in the middle of this though, another group of knights arrived on horseback.

"Mage Clor!" The Knights approached the man in charge while carrying a box with them.

A few people recognized these knights to be the same ones that the Mage Clor had sent out a while back.

"We've brought a Heretic Detector as you commanded." The Knight leading them said, before presenting the box to the mage.


Mage Clor opened the box and took a look at the crystal orb inside while a content smile appeared on his face.

"This will do finely!" He said before taking the box in his own hands and walking towards the immortals. "O' sacred immortals, this lowly mage presents the Heretic Detector to you." He said before kneeling and raising the box to them as if it were an offering for the divine.

Immortal Yan glanced at it and found that it was just the same as the one they had been using but was placed in a more 'luxurious' box, as it was considered as a gift.

"You did well." Immortal Yan said before placing his hand on the box.


As soon as he did that though, the box suddenly shrank and flew into his sleeve!

Mage Clor, Mage Rizal and Mage Pitas that witnessed this couldn't help but be marveled.

"Such fast and efficient spatial storage… No Magical tool can compare to this," Mage Rizal muttered in shock.

Spatial Storage tools were something that were quite valuable and as such difficult to make Magical tools. Even among their mage tower there were only a handful of such Spatial Storage tools and they had a rather small capacity. 

But if one wanted to use them, they had to fulfill a few condition such as being fully stationary and properly injecting their mana into the spatial storage tool to work. The Magical tool consumed quite a lot of mana to store things inside, as such normal people couldn't use them.

Even for knights, using them was very difficult, being only possible for those at the Four Star rank or higher.

But what Immortal Yan had done was but just a dream to them. It took him less than a second to store away the box and it had even shrunk down to fit his sleeve within that time.

It was simply a miracle to them… A divine miracle.