Looting Corpses

After Asher talked with Micheal and Misha for a bit, they thought of what to do now.

"Jon will need to rest for a bit more. At least until his injuries can stop bleeding again." Misha stated.

"Hmm… that'll delay us for a bit. Plus, in our state, getting through the forest will not be easy either." Micheal replied.

Asher could see the conditions of everyone and other than him and Misha, the other two were not really in the best condition. Micheal could still work, albeit with some aches, but Jon was simply in no condition for that.

In fact, he had already passed out after the conflict had ended, for the pain had pushed him to his limits.

It was the stressful situation and the adrenaline in his veins that had kept him awake all this time. 

Add while Misha had tended to him, the herbs she had were not enough.