The Night of the Storm

As Xiang Ling headed back to her courtyard, she noticed how dark the outside world had become, not only because the day had reached dusk but also because of the dark clouds that had started covering the vast sky.

Being a star, she could predict the weather easily, and from what she was seeing at the moment, a storm was heading their way. The cold wind made her hurry and despite the darkness that was filling the entire Chen Manor, she found her way to her courtyard because of her heightened eyesight.

On her way, Xiang Ling wondered why she still hadn't seen any servants. She didn't even see those who accompanied her in the morning on her way home except for Fu Xiao. It was like they all just disappeared.

When she reached the entrance of her courtyard, she found a single lantern dangling at the door, barely providing any light in the darkness. Shaking her head, she took the lantern with her and headed inside.

As she entered the inner courtyard, she once again found her gaze landing on the man who was still kneeling. She took a few steps in his direction but then stopped. Her struggle to decide what to do about that man was driving her crazy. She wanted to end his punishment but something kept stopping her every time.

Letting out a sigh, she headed inside the bedchamber. It was about to start raining in a while. There was no way he would still keep kneeling then, right?

She hung the lantern outside the door of the bedchamber and headed inside. Once alone, Xiang Ling lit a few candles to fill the room with brightness and then settled down on the bed in the lotus position. The whole day had been full of surprises for her. Both her body and mind needed to relax.

She first assessed her body, checking its strengths and weaknesses. Finding out that the body was well-grown and healthy made Xiang Ling relieved. She then focused on the spiritual energy present in the air around her. Though the amount of spiritual energy in the Mortal Realm was nothing compared to what she was used to back in the Celestial Realm, it was still enough for her to access the powers that she had honed over the past ten thousand years.

Usually, whenever an immortal faced life tribulation in the Mortal Realm, he/she was born as a mortal with no memory of their true identity and no immortal powers. However, Xiang Ling's case was different. She was sent inside the body of a dead girl with all her memories of her true identity and this allowed her access to her immortal powers.

While it wasn't illegal for an immortal to use their powers in the Mortal Realm, it was always suggested to keep their powers hidden from mortals and not get involved in their lives.

Seconds turned into minutes as Xiang Ling continued to create a balance between her current body and her immortal powers. A powerful thunder sound finally pulled her attention toward the world around her. It was not just raining outside, it was pouring heavily with powerful winds and thunderstorms.

The chamber had turned cold and there were a few leaks in the ceiling from where water was pouring inside. Moving her forefingers in a precise motion, Xiang Ling summoned her powers to not only seal the leaks but to even renovate the inside of the chamber. Within a few seconds, the chamber was newly furnished and warm. Compared to before, now dozens of candles were sitting around the room, filling the place with warmth and brightness.

"Much better." Xiang Ling said with satisfaction and stood up to close the window that was allowing the cold wind to enter the room. She was about to close it when another thunderstorm filled the outside world with a moment of brightness and her gaze landed on the man who was still kneeling outside in the courtyard despite the heavy rain.

"What in the-"

Xiang Ling was lost for words. Never in her wildest dreams, she would have expected the man to be so stupid. Was he trying to die?

Without wasting another second, she ran outside the room and toward the man. The rain was so heavy that she could hardly open her eyes but she still found the man and grabbed his arm to pull him up. "What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Why are you still kneeling here?"

She kept questioning as she tried to get him to stand up but the man was quite heavy for her small body. "Stand up!" She shouted at him in alarm. The last thing she wanted was to become a murderer of her own husband the very moment she stepped into the Mortal Realm.

The man finally complied and struggled to stand up. However, his body barely had any strength left after the heavy punishment he had gone through. The moment he succeeded in standing up, he lost his balance and was about to fall if not for Xiang Ling who hurriedly caught him.

"Are you alright?" She asked the man but the heavy wind and rain were making it hard for anything to be heard. Besides, it seemed like the man had lost his consciousness.

Cursing under her breath for the injustice she was facing, Xiang Ling dragged the man toward the bedchamber. It took her quite a lot of struggle to get the man inside the room and finally on the bed. She even went as far as to use her powers to dry him up before she covered him with the blanket.

"This should be enough." She murmured to herself before turning around to leave the room. She didn't even got to take a single step away before she felt a tug on her powers.

Confused, she turned around to look at the unconscious man only to find a bright silver mark glowing in the very center of his forehead, a mark she recognized immediately.

"Night Immortal?"