Not To Be Trusted

"What do you think she added to the medicine?" Wen ZheYuan asked as his eyes followed the woman who quickly left the kitchen and headed back toward her courtyard. For some weird reason, he kept feeling like there was something different about the woman, he just couldn't find out exactly what it was.

When the man standing next to him didn't answer for a while, he added - "Poison?"

Xin Cheng let out a small sigh before he turned to face Wen ZheYuan and answered, "If she wanted him dead, there was no need for her to create all the drama to pretend to save him only to add poison to his medicine. It's far better for her if he dies because of illness instead of poison." He became silent after that as he returned his attention back in direction where Xiang Ling had just disappeared.

"But she definitely added something to the medicine." Wen ZheYuan was confident that his eyes didn't betray him just now. That woman did add something to the medicine, and if it wasn't poison, then what it was?

"She did." It was all Xin Cheng said as he stood there with his hands folded across his chest while his eyes were staring into the darkness that had enveloped the Chen manor.

The two men were silent for a while before Wen ZheYuan asked another question. "Do you think there is something different about her today?" He wondered if he was only one feeling that way or if the others had also noticed something similar.

Xin Cheng let out a scoff before he answered, "She has been quite a show today. First, she got missing in the morning. Then she returned with her memories lost and now this, pretending like she cares for Wei Guang's health."

"Memories lost?" Among everything that Xin Cheng said, Wen ZheYuan caught that specific point of Xiang Ling losing her memories. "How? And did you think it's true?" There was a glow in his unusual deep purple eyes as he stared at Xin Cheng to hear what the man had to say.

Xin Cheng let out another scoff before he shook his head and answered, "Fu Xiao said that Chen Xiang Ling got into an accident this morning while she went missing and got her head injured. When she woke up, she had lost some of her memories. She even pretended to not know me when she saw me this evening. As for whether it's true or not, you can decide on your own. I don't trust a single word this woman says."

Wen ZheYuan was silent for a while as he took in all the information and recalled his encounter with Xiang Ling when she came to ask for money from him. Though there was nothing too different about her, the way she talked to him was way different than usual. Still, he agreed with Xin Cheng's words - Xiang Ling wasn't worth trusting.

"You are right. It would be stupid of us to trust her words." He said while shaking off the feeling that something was different about Xiang Ling. Considering the nature of that woman, she was probably plotting something.

Xin Cheng once again turned his attention toward Wen ZheYuan and there was curiosity filling his eyes as he asked, "Your words don't match your actions at all, Master Wen. Aren't you her favorite? Then why are you speaking as if you hate her just as much as the four of us?"

A smile appeared on Wen ZheYuan's lips as he answered, "Don't talk like you don't know her, Master Xin. She's the type of woman who can never be loyal to anyone. I'm her newest toy for now. The day she will get tired of me, I will be discarded just like the four of you. It will be foolish of me to expect anything from her."

Xin Cheng remained silent while he closely observed Wen ZheYuan's expression, trying to read if the man was speaking the truth or not. After a while, he finally spoke - "Welcome to the house, Master Wen." There was a smirk playing on his lips as he said those words.

He didn't stay behind to hear if Wen ZheYuan had anything to say and just walked out from their hiding place. Instead of heading toward Xiang Ling's courtyard, he walked in the opposite direction and returned to his own courtyard to rest for the night.

* * *

Xiang Ling retuned to her courtyard and hurried inside the bedchamber. She asked Fu Xiao to held Wei Guang up while she fed the man medicine - most of which got wasted as the unconscious man wasn't able to drink much.

"Will Master Wei be alright?" Fu Xiao asked as she helped Xiang Ling to lay the unconscious man back on the bed before covering him again with double blankets.

"We can only hope for the best now. Let's wait for the morning and see." Xiang Ling answered before she dismissed Fu Xiao for the rest of the night. There was nothing they all could do anymore instead of waiting for the result of the medicine and all the care they had put into taking care of his health.

For another hour or so, she kept changing the towel on Wei Guang's forehead. By the time midnight arrived, his fever had gone down quite a bit and it finally allowed Xiang Ling to take a rest after the long day she had faced.

It didn't take long before she fell asleep on the edge of the bed. Her mind at peace after assuring that she didn't become the killer of Night Immortal during his mortal life.