Successful Mission

The air was filled with silence when Xiang Ling and the young boy finally returned to the front hall of the medicine shop. Neither of them missed to notice the curiosity that was decorating the faces of almost every person present both inside and outside of the shop.

She pushed the boy's wheelchair until the two of them returned to their original places. She then turned her full attention toward the old servant of the Young Master and spoke - "After talking with Your Master about his symptoms in detail, I have completed the diagnosis. Please let me perform acupuncture to heal him."

Her request was immediately met with criticism, both from the people present inside and outside the shop. While those from outside the shop criticized her for going too far in her act, the ones inside the shop tried to sound a little bit softer.

"Lady Chen, please think carefully. This is a huge matter. You can not be impulsive with someone's health-"

"You can perform acupuncture on me. Unlike many here, I have already seen your capability as a physician." The young boy suddenly spoke while cutting off Physician Li who was trying to stop Chen Xiang Ling from committing a crime.

Xiang Ling smiled at the kid and just as she was about to step forward to perform her acupuncture skills, she was stopped by none other than Physician Li who dragged her to the farthest possible corner of the front hall and spoke in a hushed tone. "What are you doing Lady Chen? We are talking about someone's health here. One little mistake and you will be done for the rest of your life. This isn't your manor, nor they are from this city. If anything went wrong with your acupuncture, even your father will not be able to save you this time."

The urgency and plea were clearly heard in Physician Li's tone as he tried his best to make Xiang Ling understand that she couldn't fool around with the current matter at hand.

Xiang Ling smiled softly at the old physician before responding, "Don't worry, Physician Li. I know exactly what I am doing. My diagnosis and acupuncture, both will cause no harm to the Young Master."

She didn't give him another chance to stop her as she quickly returned to the kid's side and started with her work. From her space, she took out the wrap containing her golden needles and a small white jar of pills.

She took out a total of four needles before inserting them into four meridian points of the kid. Her golden needles were special and didn't cause any pain at all - an information she already forwarded to the kid in the side room.

Then she took out a small red pill from the jar and fed it to the boy who was looking at her with questioning eyes. "This pill and acupuncture will help with your cultivation. Now, focus on regulating your spiritual qi. I will take out the needles in ten minutes." She whispered only for the boy to hear.

Everyone watched while holding their breaths to see what sort of drama they would get to see Chen Xiang Ling create this time. While they felt slightly bad for the poor kid, they were more curious to see the young lady of Chen Manor ending up in another big problem. Throughout the past years, she had always succeeded in entertaining the citizens of Dongzhi Province with her stupid acts, and these people expected nothing less than a spectacle from her.

Ten minutes finally came to an end. Everyone watched as Xiang Ling pulled out the needles. She secretly sterilized them with her spiritual energy and returned them to her space.

The air buzzed with a mixture of disbelief and intrigue as Xiang Ling, against expectations, demonstrated genuine medical skills. Everyone watched as the Young Master's pale complexion returned to normal and he finally opened his eyes and stood up, surprising everyone. The atmosphere shifted, and even the skeptics began to reconsider their opinions about the eccentric daughter of the Country Magistrate.

"Since when did Lady Chen become this good in medicine?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"This is unbelievable." Another said.

"I feel like I'm dreaming."

The crowd was having a hard time believing what their eyes were seeing.

The young boy bowed in gratitude before speaking, "Sister Chen, thank you for what you have done for me today. I will always remember your help in the future."

He asked for the pouch of hundred silver taels from his servant and offered it to Xiang Ling. "Sister Chen, this is the promised reward. But this is still too little to return the favor you bestowed on me today. If you ever need help in the future, please send a message to the Jingsheng Academy and I will be here to help."

While Xiang Ling accepted the money with the politest and warmest smile possible, the people of the Dongzhi village were going insane in shock. They could hardly believe that the famous Lady Chen knew anything that was of actual use, let alone something as valuable as medicines.

As the news spread outside the shop, the locals of Dongzhi City were left in awe, witnessing a side of Chen Xiang Ling they had not expected.

On the other hand, Xiang Ling was filled with joy as she walked out of the medicine shop with a heavy pouch of silver taels. She had successfully solved the issue of money for the time being.

She was happily walking through the bustling market street when out of nowhere, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her into a little alley hidden from the onlookers.

Xiang Ling was ready to use her powers to attack whoever dared to grab her in broad daylight but she stopped when her eyes landed on the face of a very familiar person.

"What are you doing?" She asked while trying to get her hand free from his tight hold but much to her shock, the man not only tightened his grip further but even pressed her against the wall before caging her with his body.

"Did you just fool a little boy out of his money?"