Zhang Xuan

Xiang Ling almost forgot how to breathe as she stared into the man's beautiful eyes that seemed to be pulling her into their depths. It was almost impossible for her to pull her eyes away from those emerald orbs and take a look at his entire face.

And heavenly stars! Was he insanely handsome? Oh, he was. Just as good-looking and ethereal as the other men filled in her life. Just when did the world get loaded with so many good-looking men? First her husbands and now this mysterious man.

Her eyes landed on his lips and she watched their corners curve into a smile right before he spoke. "I know that I can be really tempting but as an Immortal deity, you should try to keep your true thoughts hidden."


Xiang Ling was pulled out of her thoughts by the absurd words she just heard. Clearing her throat, she schooled her expressions just like he advised her and returned her attention to the man's face. "This isn't the answer to my question."