Building a Greenhouse

"However, I will wait for you to crave for it first."

It had been three days since that surprising morning when Dao Ming made this promise and almost disappeared from Xiang Ling's life. In these past few days, she had only seen glimpses of him around the house except for the meal times, and while he was always present during meals, he kept ignoring her.

Xiang Ling hated to admit that for some reason, his actions were affecting her. The more he was ignoring her, the more she kept thinking about him. She wondered what sort of wolf spell that wolf shifter had cast over her to make her this insane.

"My Lady?"

Fu Xiao's familiar voice ended the train of Xiang Ling's thoughts. She turned her attention toward the girl to hear what she had to say.

"My Lady, we have reached our destination." Fu Xiao informed and received a nod of acknowledgment from Xiang Ling. Standing up, she climbed down from the carriage first before helping Xiang Ling.