Xiang Ling's Standards

"M-my Harem?"

Xiang Ling stared at the man with a stupefied look on her face as her brain refused to work at that moment.

The corners of Zhang Xuan's lips curved as a smile threatened his lips. Taking another step closer toward her, he suddenly wrapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

All the air left Xiang Ling's lungs in a sharp gasp as her body came in contact with his and she found herself staring into his beautiful emerald eyes from up close.

"Mmhm." Zhang Xuan hummed in response as he gazed into her eyes. "Since you have accepted those five men into your harem, it can't be too much to ask for a spot for me as well, right? Unless I don't match your standards."

Xiang Ling opened her mouth to speak but only air came out as she was barely able to think of anything proper or coherent to say. It almost seemed like her brain was having a malfunction.