The Devil Flowers (Part Two)

"Tsk tsk... At this rate, they will never make it to the high peak."

Dao Ming couldn't help but pity the group of people who were busy fighting the ferocious wild beasts of the island. There was a particular group of cultivators that were fighting for their lives with the flesh-eating vines that were spread almost all across the mountains.

"Want to go and help?" Xin Cheng asked as they continued to fly toward the highest peak of the mountain. They were far above the reach of those ferocious plants and beasts and even if some could fly and reach them, they didn't dare because of the immensely powerful aura that surrounded these two men.

"I will pass on this rare chance." Dao Ming replied with just as much empty humor as Xin Cheng just used. The two of them were too used to each other's impudent behaviors.

A few moments later, the two of them finally landed at the back entrance of the cave located in the very center of the highest peak.