The Poor Children

There was a group of around thirty people gathered in the village's square and all of them were carrying luggage as if they were about to leave the village.

"What is going on here?" Zhe Yuan asked as he and the others reached the square and noticed the abnormal atmosphere.

"All these young people are the ones who have lost their families in this plague. They all are planning to leave the village." Liying was the one who provided the answer.

"Leaving the village? Why?" Xiang Ling asked as she stepped forward and looked at the children in the crowd. She was having a hard time understanding their decision. "Where are you all planning to go? You might have lost your families but you still have your homes and assets here. If you all work hard, you will still be able to build a future for yourselves in this village. But what are you all going to do in an unknown place without a place to live and money to buy food? Have you all really thought this through?"