Chen Hao Ran (Part Three)

Xiang Ling accepted the cup and immediately took a big gulp of the tea that almost burned her tongue. She quickly put down the cup and fanned her mouth to calm down the intense feeling of burn that overwhelmed her.

"Why would you drink it so quickly? Here, have some water." Hao Ran quickly handed her a cup of cold water and watched as she emptied it in one go. He took the cup from her hands and set it down on the table before he took out his handkerchief and handed it to his sister.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked once Xiang Ling was done wiping her face. She looked up at his face and slowly nodded her head, allowing him to release a sigh of relief. Standing up, he returned to his seat and decided to observe his sister.

After several long moments, he finally asked, "What happened after our family moved out of the manor? Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden?"