I Like You (Part Two)

"I agree." Li Xian was so quick in his reply. "No matter what your conditions are, I agree to all of them."

Xiang Ling didn't waste any more time talking. She just grabbed the collar of his robes and pulled him inside the room. The very next moment, the door of her room closed with a loud sound before everything went completely silent just like before.

On the other side of the door, Li Xian had his back pressed against the door while Xiang Ling stood right in front of him with barely any space left between their bodies. It took her merely a second to take control of the situation as the one who was at a complete loss for words now was none other than Li Xian.

"What? Want to change your decision already?" She asked the man when she noticed the look on his face. He seemed like a deer caught in a hunter's trap.