The Issue of Room

The soft morning breeze made its way inside the bed-chamber and greeted Xiang Ling who was still fast asleep. She stirred in her sleep and her eyes finally fluttered open. The familiar celling of her chamber greeted her as her vision got adjusted to the brightness.

Slowly, she sat up on the bed and was immediately greeted with a sharp pain in her head that made her groan out loud in response. One of her hands moved to grab her head as she closed her eyes due to the overwhelming pain.

She summoned her powers and was ready to heal the hangover when she picked on the sound that came from the other side of the room. As she followed the direction of the sound, her gaze landed on a very surprising sight. Sitting around the wooden table near the moon window were her six husbands, all of whom looked like they had been through a very rough night.