Not Running Anymore

Xiang Ling didn't get the chance to finish speaking as the rest of her words were swallowed by the man who left her stunned with a kiss. It ended just as quickly as it started, but the feel of his lips against hers was still there even after he pulled away.

"What are you doing?" She found herself asking, and this time, she did nothing to pretend to be strong. She was afraid of thinking too much of the kiss and she let him saw it clearly.

Dao Ming cupped her face between his palms as he answered, "I'm done running away, Little Star. I'm done pretending that I'm fine with staying away from you when I can't even stop thinking about you. I'm done being a good friend. I'm done hurting you."

His voice was filled with just as much emotions as she felt inside her at that moment. After so long, he was finally ending the fight they both had been fighting for so long.