A Familiar Story

"Have you heard? The Crown Princess tried to poison the Crown Prince on their wedding night yesterday and when she got caught, she tried to kill herself!"

"Tsk tsk! We all should have seen this coming. What else we can expect from a woman like First Young Miss Su? Everyone in the Capital knows what kind of wicked woman she is."

"Shhh! Don't call her by her maiden title. She's now the Crown Princess."

"Phhh! What Crown Princess? If not for the promise between Empress Dowager and the Prime Minister Su's late mother, someone as poisonous and vile like her would have never been able to marry the Crown Prince. With a wife like her, any men would lose their sanity."

"That woman went to great lengths just to marry the Crown Prince. Why did she then try to poison him the very night of their wedding?"

"You might not believe this... but the rumors says it was aphrodisiac that she used on the Crown Prince."