The Night in the Pavilion** (Six)

Li Xian appeared shocked as if he wasn't expecting Xiang Ling to suddenly turn her attention toward him. When he didn't move for a while, she asked with her eyebrows arched high in question. "You don't want to?"

Not knowing what to say, he quickly shook his head in denial and noticed a frown appearing on the woman's face. "I... I mean... are you not tired?" The moment those words left his mouth, he knew that he made a mistake.

He quickly made his way to his wife and tried to correct his words as he hovered over her. "I'm not saying that I don't want you. I'm just worried that you might be tired after... them... and I will only make your situation worse..."

He trailed off when he noticed the corners of her lips curling into a smile. Her hands reached out for him and he found her wrapping her hands around his nape because she gave his head a tug and made him lower his face until he was only breaths away from her face.