
Chapter 1: prologue

The world had descended into chaos.


It began with the ominous phenomenon known as Dungeon Breaks. Rifts in reality that tore through the fabric of existence, unleashing horrors upon the Earth. From these rifts emerged creatures of myth and nightmare—dragons with scales that glistened with malevolence, serpentine beings that slithered with an eerie grace, and towering giants with eyes that burned with unquenchable hunger.


Humanity watched in terror as entire cities crumbled, civilizations fell, and the world was plunged into darkness. No one knew the origins of these rifts, and even the most brilliant minds were powerless to stop them. The Earth was forever changed, its landscape scarred by the chaos that had been unleashed.


But amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged—a group of brilliant scientists, engineers, and pioneers who dared to challenge the very forces that threatened to destroy them. They devised a radical solution: to harness the power of the monsters that now roamed their world.


The pioneers created a technology that could extract the essence of defeated creatures and imprison them within small, disk-like devices. These devices, known as Soul Disks, were the key to humanity's survival. With a Soul Disk in hand, a person could transform into a mechanized version of the imprisoned creature, wielding its power as their own.


It was a desperate gambit, but it offered a sliver of hope. As the apocalypse raged on, these Soulbinders, as they came to be known, emerged as humanity's last line of defense. But they were not saviors or heroes; they were survivors, wielding borrowed power in a world gone mad.


Within the new world order, monstrous creatures prowled the wastelands, and the very environment itself had been tainted by the presence of the Dungeon Breaks. Toxic clouds choked the skies, and the Earth's once-vibrant ecosystems had withered away.


And so, in this desolate world, we find our protagonist, Ethan Skylar, a young scavenger with no knowledge of the world that once was. He lived day by day, scavenging for supplies in the ruins of a city that had been reduced to rubble. But little did he know that his life was about to change forever.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the shattered city, Ethan stumbled upon something buried beneath the debris—a small, metallic object that gleamed with an otherworldly light. It was a Soul Disk, its surface etched with ancient symbols and its power dormant, waiting for the touch of a Soulbinder to awaken it.


With the discovery of this Soul Disk, Ethan's journey into the heart of darkness was about to begin.









The dome city 'Solace keep' stood as a fragile sanctuary amid the desolation of the post-apocalyptic world. Within its translucent walls, humanity clung to life, shielded from the toxic wastelands that lay beyond. Tall, metallic spires reached for the sky, a testament to the remnants of civilization.


Ethan Skylar moved silently through the crowded streets of the city, his wiry frame and agile steps the result of years spent scavenging in the unforgiving wastelands. His sharp eyes scanned the market stalls, searching for anything of value in this dystopian bazaar.


In the distance, a trio of guards clad in faded uniforms patrolled the streets. Their presence was a stark reminder of the dome city's struggle for order and survival. 


Ethan's attention was drawn to a hidden corner of the market where a shadowy figure, cloaked in tattered rags, whispered rumors of a hidden treasure—a Soul Disk with untold power.


"Soul Disk", the name sent shivers down Ethan's spine. These mysterious devices were said to contain the essence of monsters, granting their wielders incredible abilities. To hold such a relic was to possess a glimmer of hope in a world teetering on the brink of despair.


Drawn by the whispers, Ethan approached the enigmatic figure. Their face remained concealed in the depths of the hood, but their voice carried a certain weight, a promise of something extraordinary.


"Young lad…" the cloaked figure called out to Ethan in a soothing tone.


"You seek power, do you not?" 

Ethan nodded cautiously. "you speak of a Soul Disk?"


The figure leaned in closer, revealing eyes that glittered with intrigue and whispered- "Hidden beneath the ruins of an old research facility lies the Apex Behemoth Soul Disk—the most powerful of its kind. Activate it, and you will possess the strength to conquer anything that stands in your way."


Ethan's heart quickened at the mention of the Apex Behemoth's soul disk. He had heard tales of its might, of the legends surrounding it. It was said to be capable of unimaginable feats.


"I'll find it," Ethan declared, determination gleaming in his eyes.


Ethan left the cloaked figure behind in the hidden corner of the market, his mind consumed by thoughts of the Apex Behemoth Soul Disk. He knew the 'explore' ahead would be perilous, but the promise of power and the hope it represented were too enticing to ignore.


With brisk, purposeful strides, he made his way through the labyrinthine alleys of Solace Keep, navigating the winding paths he had come to know so well. Finally, he arrived at a small, unassuming workshop nestled among the old buildings in solace keep—the "Gladbear Workshop."


The workshop was a haven of ingenuity and creativity in the midst of Solace Keep's chaos. It was here that Lena Voss and her father, Arthur Voss, tinkered with technology salvaged from the wastelands, repairing what they could and inventing what they couldn't.


Ethan had a history with the Voss family, one that stretched back to his early days as an orphan on the unforgiving streets of Solace Keep. Lena, an only child, had taken an interest in the scrappy boy who showed up at their workshop with tales of his scavenging adventures. Over the years, a genuine friendship had formed between them, transcending the boundaries of social status.


As Ethan entered the workshop, the familiar scent of metal and machinery filled the air. Lena, her vibrant red hair tied back in a messy ponytail, looked up from a workbench covered in gears and wires. She wore a pair of goggles pushed up onto her forehead, and her eyes lit up with a warm smile.


"Ethan, you're back!" Lena exclaimed, setting aside the intricate device she had been working on. "What have you got for us today?"


Ethan grinned, knowing that Lena and her father always appreciated the items he brought from his scavenging runs. "I've got a few things," he replied, pulling out a small pouch filled with oddly shaped metal fragments and mysterious trinkets.


As Lena examined the items with keen interest, her father, Arthur, appeared from behind a stack of crates. He was a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair, a perpetual twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.


"Ethan, my boy," Arthur said, clapping a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "You never cease to amaze us with your… finds."


Ethan's gaze drifted toward a glass case mounted on the workshop wall. Inside the case, illuminated by a soft, ethereal glow, rested Lena's prized possession—a Soul Disk containing the essence of a D-rank creature, a saber-toothed beast known as "Frostclaw."


The sight of the Soul Disk stirred something within Ethan. It was a constant reminder of the unattainable power he longed for.


Lena noticed the wistful look in Ethan's eyes. "Something on your mind, Ethan?"


Ethan hesitated for a moment, then decided to confide in his friend. "Lena, have you ever heard of the Apex Behemoth Soul Disk?"


Lena exchanged a knowing glance with her father before turning her attention back to Ethan. "The Apex Behemoth, huh? It's a legendary Soul Disk, said to possess unimaginable power. But it's also incredibly rare, even among the old Soulbinders."


Ethan nodded, his determination resolute. "I heard about it today, Lena. And I've decided—I'm going to find it."


The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the challenges and dangers that lay ahead. Ethan's quest for the Apex Behemoth Soul Disk had begun, and little did he know that the world he once knew would soon unravel into a labyrinth of mysteries and perils.

