Power rings


The hum of the bus's engine reverberated through the air as it journeyed into the unknown wasteland beyond Solace Keep. Inside the bus, amidst the chatter of raiders and scavengers, Ethan found himself captivated by Surge, one of the tactical raiders. Surge, a rough-looking young man in his late twenties, sported curly hair, a set of goggles strapped around his head, and a toolkit securely fastened to his waist.


As Ethan observed, Surge worked diligently in his designated space, surrounded by an array of tools and gadgets. The small rings he had been tinkering with intrigued Ethan. Each ring imitated the appearance of a Soul Disk but on a miniature scale, wrapped around an orb. Ethan's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but stare at Surge's creations.


Noticing Ethan's inquisitive gaze, Surge looked up from his work and grinned. "Hey there, curious one. Come over and take a closer look."


Ethan hesitated for a moment but then approached Surge's workspace. "What are those?" he asked, gesturing toward the rings.


Surge chuckled. "Ah, you've got an eye for the details. These, my friend, are what we call 'power rings.' A little something that was cooked up to bring a taste of power to those without a full-fledged Soul Disk."


Ethan's eyes widened with interest. "Power rings? What do they do?"


Surge motioned for Ethan to sit down, and as they talked, the bus's rhythmic movements seemed to complement the unfolding conversation.


"They're a creation of necessity,as I've said" Surge explained. "With the knowledge of Soul Disks either lost or kept under wraps by 'them', some brilliant minds from the past devised a way to harness a fraction of a monster's power. Think of them as very miniaturized versions of Soul Disks, and with very much limitations."


Ethan, now fully engrossed, probed further. "So, they're like budget Soul Disks?"


Surge laughed heartily. "You could say that, my friend. Budget-friendly, but they still pack a punch. Instead of transforming into a mechanized titan like with a Soul Disk, a power ring allows you to tap into a small percentage of the monster's core power. It can be embedded into weapons, armor, or even trinkets, granting you a taste of the creature's abilities."


Ethan's mind whirred with possibilities. "Give me an example."


Surge leaned in, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Imagine facing lizard-like monsters. Now, if you had a power ring crafted from the core of such creatures and integrated it into your weapon, you'd be able to harness a fraction of their power—enhanced agility, venomous strikes, or whatever that lizard monster was known for."


Ethan was both fascinated and perplexed. "But why go through the trouble of creating these power rings? Why not stick to traditional weapons?"


Surge's expression turned serious. "Because, my friend, the wasteland is a dangerous place. Full-fledged Soul Disks are rare,normal weapons hardly work on monsters and not everyone can get their hands on one. Power rings level the playing field to an extent, offering a chance for survival and a means to fight back against the monsters that roam these lands."


As Surge continued to enlighten Ethan about the intricacies of power rings, Ethan's initial disappointment about the unattainability of a Soul Disk began to wane. Perhaps, in these power rings, he could find a pathway to strength and a chance to make a name for himself in the unforgiving wasteland.



Surge noticed the look on Ethan's face as he absorbed the information about the power rings. 


He sighed, his tone becoming more serious. "Look, my friend, it's not as enticing as it sounds. The power within the core can be depleted, and once that happens, you're looking at buying a new core and paying for re-installment. It's not a sustainable solution, especially for someone like you….. from the slums."


Ethan's shoulders slumped, and a sense of dejection washed over him. The dream of newfound strength seemed to crumble before his eyes. The prospect of obtaining a Soul Disk, once again, felt distant and unattainable.


Lena, who had been observing the conversation from a distance, stepped forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Surge, lay off my best friend. Whether it's a Soul Disk or these power rings, I trust Ethan to find a way. Don't underestimate him."


Surge raised an eyebrow, amused by Lena's defense of Ethan. "Oh, I'm not underestimating him. I'm just giving him a reality check. The wasteland doesn't spare the naive, you know."


Lena playfully nudged Ethan. "You heard the man. Don't let him get to you."


Ethan managed a small smile, appreciative of Lena's unwavering support. As Surge and Lena continued their friendly banter, a sudden commotion erupted in the bus. One of the scavengers, perched near a window, shouted to get everyone's attention.


"Ruined city dead ahead! Get ready, folks!"


The bus descended into a collective hush as the scavengers and raiders prepared for the impending exploration. Lena shot Ethan an encouraging smile, a silent reminder that the journey was just beginning.


As the bus neared the outskirts of the ruined city, the once-bustling metropolis reduced to a skeletal silhouette on the horizon, Ethan felt a surge of anticipation and nervous energy. The wasteland held secrets, and within the ruins lay the potential for discovery, danger, and perhaps, the elusive Apex Behemoth Soul Disk.


The wheels of the bus kicked up dust as it rolled closer to the entrance of the city, and Ethan braced himself for the trials that awaited beyond the city gates.


The skeletons of buildings reached for the sky, their broken windows like hollow eyes watching the passing travelers. Weeds pushed through cracks in the pavement, nature reclaiming what was lost to time. The air carried the scent of dust and rust, a melancholic reminder of a city that had succumbed to the inexorable march of the apocalypse.


Ethan, standing at the edge of the bus, peered out at the dilapidated cityscape. It was both eerie and fascinating, a stark contrast to the domed sanctuary of Solace Keep. The ruined city held secrets untold, waiting to be unearthed by those daring enough to explore its depths.