Visited by Bad Guys

What Quinlan made wasn't just a normal crossbow, but rather one that uses the power of gears. Not only was it quick to reload, but its range and accuracy were even higher than those of a normal crossbow.

Still, since the materials were only wood, other than the bowstring made of several strands of silk braided into a single thread, the durability of the device was low. At most, he estimated it could fire five shots accurately before the wooden gears and axles would show some wear and tear.

"If only I could process metal here..." Quinlan muttered in disappointment but was still mostly elated.

After all, now he was holding a "machine" in his hands! A machine after almost 5 days of not having anything at all! Quinlan was so happy that his fatigue from working on it for half a day just vanished like an illusion.

"Well then, Young Lady, shall we wash off the sweat, dirt, and grime all over your body in the bath?" Xiyadie quickly suggested. "Dinner would come soon, and the Family Head asked for your presence today."


Quinlan hesitated. Although taking a bath was heaven for his eyes, at the same time, he became something like Xiyadie's "plaything." Still, it was true that he couldn't attend the family dinner looking like a beggar on the side of the road.

"... Alright. Let's go." Having no other choice, Quinlan had to go with Xiyadie's suggestion.

Of course, just as before, he was washed by Xiyadie like he was some doll. Still, it was better than before since he didn't get a nosebleed or unintentionally freeze the entire bathhouse. Quinlan was improving, even though at a snail's pace.

After the bath, they then went straight to the dining room.


However, just as they were approaching the hall, Quinlan could feel that the atmosphere was different compared to before. Rather than the usual silent, cold atmosphere it had, a warm and celebratory feel was radiating from it even before they entered.


Quinlan hesitated, but only for a moment before opening the door. As soon as he did, the scene inside surprised him. The hall, usually barren and mostly staying as natural as possible, was now decorated with colorful sashes and cloths. The usual dim room was completely illuminated, with the two chandeliers lit up completely.

Turning to the other side, the table was covered by food from one end to another, each dish looking delicious and enticing. Even Quinlan's stomach agreed with his sentiment, raising a low growl and exerting its presence.

"Yinuo, come sit."

Right before the entrance, Yinuo's mother was standing, her face covered in a genuine smile of joy. As soon as Quinlan took a step forward, she pulled at his arm, taking him to the reserved seat on the opposite end of the dining table. It was supposed to be the seat of honor, only second to the family head's seat at the other end.

Quinlan was still confused by how much things had changed, but looking at the slightly envious and pouty faces of Yinuo's siblings, he found that they hadn't changed magically in such a short time.

"Now that our family's pride, Yinuo, is here, let's begin celebrating her successful step into the world of cultivation!" The family head announced, raising his cup full of red wine into the air before gulping it down. "Today, we eat and drink to our heart's content!"

Although it was a private celebration, only among family and the house's servants, the festivity was still something else. Quinlan, who was born an antisocial prick, wanted to escape from there as soon as he realized that they were celebrating him, but alas, he couldn't even leave his seat.

Instead, he decided to simply enjoy the food and drinks while chatting with those who came to his side during the banquet. Especially Meng Yinuo's younger siblings.

They were all curious about cultivation, and Quinlan was pestered to also teach them. But as he wasn't sure if they could or couldn't pass the first barrier of detecting Qi, he really couldn't say much.

In the end, the feast lasted until a little past midnight. Most of the staff were dead drunk and sleeping all over the dining hall, while Yinuo's father fell on top of the table, already snoring.

Even Xiyadie fell asleep by the side, breathing lightly as her face looked hot and sweaty from the alcohol she drank. Realizing that it would be best to take his leave now, Quinlan decided to carry Xiyadie alone back to her room before entering his own room and lying down on the bed.

"That wasn't too bad," Quinlan thought.

Even though he was partly forced to stay at the celebration venue, it wasn't completely a negative experience for him. A smile appeared on his lips before he realized it, but he quickly hid it behind a stoic expression.

"No, no, no. Mingling with people would just further mess up my life. Living alone, following my whims, is still the best."

For a moment, Xiyadie's face crossed his mind.


He didn't know why that happened but refused to even think about the reason. Instead, he moved to the lotus position, meditating as he cultivated in earnest.

Of course, he didn't stop cultivating even when he was on bed rest. Still, he was a bit short of reaching the 2nd Stage of Qi Refinement. However, tonight, something was different for him.


Qi gathered rapidly like water spiraling down a drain, and they entered his body, settling within his lower Dantian without even the need to exert much effort. Just like that, within a few minutes, Quinlan saw the blue window of the system popping up after a long time.

[You have gathered a total of 500 drops of Qi.]

[Congratulations! You have reached the Qi Refinement 2nd Stage!]

"Yes! Finally!" Quinlan cheered joyously but quickly frowned right after. Two more windows popped, but the words written on them caused him to feel significant danger.

[Warning! A Butterfly Effect chain has started!]

[Killing Gu Tian, the Top disciple of the Kang sect, has enraged their Sect Leader. He commanded the assassination of the culprit, who is Meng Yinuo.]

[Assassins are already rapidly approaching the Meng Family's Estate. Their attack would begin in 10 minutes!]

[Consequential Quest: Eliminate the Assassins!]

[Success Reward: None]

[Failure Punishment: None]

"What the... I don't even know such a guy!" Quinlan cried in anger, but quickly recalled the primary cause of this dilemma. "Meng Yinuo! It's that demon's fault again!"