Beginning the Modification

The two of them spent the entire night talking to each other, catching up with current events, and sharing information. After all, they haven't been able to keep in touch with each other for a while.

This was also done in preparation if ever the system prevented them from talking with each other for some unknown reason, no matter how low the chances were. After all, if it could prevent one from initiating contact, then it should be simple also to block another.

Soon, the sun began peeking from the horizon on both worlds.

Although incomplete, Quinlan earned information for up to the first week of Yinuo's memories with her master. Yinuo, on the other hand, gained enough "common sense" from Quinlan to at least be able to act just as Quinlan does... Well, other than his skill as a mechanic, that is.


Just in time, Melody's voice echoed from beyond the door. Looking at the clock, Yinuo realized it was time for them to head to the hangar and continue the repairs.

{Wait, are you going to my Doppel now? Don't halt the telepathy! I have a lot of things I wanted to correct regarding the control program, the safety protocols, the...}

Inside Yinuo's head, Quinlan's voice kept on echoing nonstop, saying things that she couldn't follow despite learning more things than before.

"I'm up." Yinuo raised her voice, standing up from the bed and walking toward the door, pulling it open.

With an arm resting against the door's frame, looking down on Melody with half-narrowed eyes and a faint smile, Yinuo greeted her. "Good morning."


Melody's body shook for a moment before she replied with a faltering voice. "G-Good morning, master!"

However, her choice of words was poor. Gazes turned toward her immediately from those walking along the hallway who heard her short shout.


"Did you hear that? Miss Melody didn't say master like someone's slave, did she?!"

"What the fuck?! Noooo!"

The guys quickly misunderstood her words and thus, the rumor regarding the pair began.


Melody and Yinuo had no choice but to ignore the men crying tears of blood as they headed toward the hangar. There, as soon as they entered, Yinuo walked directly toward the console and sat down.

"Quinlan...?" Melody turned to her, wondering what he was going to do.


Yinuo looked down on the keyboard, before nodding her head lightly. She placed her hand over it, with both index fingers on top of the "F" and "J" keys respectively, the common touch type hand configuration.

Yinuo was quiet because she was focusing her sight on the Telepathy, where Quinlan had his hand over a scroll with the keyboard's keys drawn to scale. He had his hand over them too, and was smiling excitedly.

{So, you're sitting down now, right? Explain to me what you're seeing, read everything for me, please.}

'I'm seeing the usual display with an image of grasslands. On top of it, a black box with a blinking line. In the middle of the black box, a small arrow...'

Yinuo followed Quinlan's instruction and quickly relayed the current display's look. She read out all the words present, while Quinlan closed his eyes, imagining what Yinuo was seeing.

{I see... Then, follow my hands accurately. I'll be mouthing the words, so don't be confused.}

'Who do you think you're talking to? In terms of visual acuity, I'm the number one in our sect!' Yinuo proudly declared. 'Go on, start! I'll show you I can copy your movements perfectly!'

After hearing Yinuo's declaration, Quinlan nodded, before his hands moved.

*Tatatata!* *Tap!* *Tatatatatatata!*

The sound of the keyboard getting hit at fast speed echoed in the empty hangar, surprising Melody. In a panic, she rushed to Yinuo's back, about to stop her hands, worried that she might corrupt the files on it due to her "memory loss."

However, as soon as she saw what Yinuo was doing, she couldn't do anything but stare in awe. "This is... The Doppel's safety protocol!"

What further surprised her was that Yinuo was going through the file expertly, seeking lines that needed refactoring, and fixing it with a better code that would shorten the processing time while using fewer resources. It was the epitome of efficient code!

"Don't tell me, did you recover your memory?!" Melody thought, but Yinuo answered in the negative.

"No, I didn't. However, I saw this in my dream last night, and thought it might be valuable, so..."

She couldn't tell her that she was currently copying Quinlan's hand across the worlds to edit a program that he made himself.

Rather, it was amazing how Quinlan could accurately do "remote" access without even seeing anything. He could recall all the codes he made, all the files in the console, and even random notes he made on the desktop! It was an understatement to say he had a great memory.

{Next would be the script for safety. We'll add the following check script. static bool HardwareSafetyCheck (int delay=0, float tolerance=0.25)...}

Melody was taken aback, seeing the new scripts that were being spawned into life with Yinuo's hands, moving in a blur. Snapping back to reality, Melody moved. "R-Right. Then, you continue with that, while I activate the bots."

With Quinlan's typing speed reaching 200 wpm, and Yinuo's acute dynamic vision and accuracy, the two of them slowly rebuilt his Doppel's script from scratch. In under thirty minutes, all the modifications ended, and they were then run through system checks after compiling. When Quinlan heard that there were no errors after Yinuo read the output to him, he then decided that he hadn't done enough.

Using the console, he went and "hacked" into the bots that the Saleema Family lent them, and overhauled its behavioral AI. It was even done without using a coding language and instead used straight-up machine language.

It didn't take him ten minutes to complete the modifications, and as soon as he was done, he replicated the entire code to the other bots.

After he was done, Yinuo asked Melody to restart the bots that stopped doing their job midway. However, she was worried that Yinuo would end up breaking the bots that were just lent to them.

Her mind changed as soon as the reboot finished, however.

"What the?! Is this still the same machine?!"

The bots, which were moving as one would expect a robot would, were now moving expertly. It was as if they weren't machines moving through a certain set of commands, but were instead piloted by veteran mechanics!

The flexibility in their movements, the accuracy, and the lack of "lag" that usually took more time than their movement was beyond what Melody thought would be possible. "This is beyond modification, it's like magic!"

Due to the modified bots doing more work than usual, the repair of Quinlan's Doppel proceeded quickly. Before the day ended, it was already 75% complete! Given another day, then it should already be ready for a test drive!

Melody stared at Yinuo, her eyes shining in adoration.

"A genius. So this is what true genius is!"