Rematch Against Benno (1)

In the Ragrain College of Robotics, there's a total of five stadiums spread around the campus. Each stadium has thousands of hangars, spread a few floors deep. Only those who got lucky or were receiving preferential treatment could get their hangars on the ground floor.

Quinlan, as the top scholar of the school, was, of course, granted a hangar on the ground floor. Melody and the other members of the College Junior Defense were all granted the same privilege, while the rest of the students stayed in their underground hangars, where they needed to waste more time to reach their designated spaces.

The Fifth Stadium, however, was different. It was the only stadium that wasn't equipped with hangars but instead had more than ten times the audience capacity. To protect the spectators during matches, its defenses were more robust compared to the other four.

On this Fifth Stadium, Yinuo was present.