Checking Out the Loots

With Lady Moon's sanction, Quinlan rushed back to the top of Diamond Peak, at the small cabin where the materials they pilfered were stored.

"Now, time to go to work!"

Quinlan exclaimed as he spread an empty scroll on the ground and pulled out a "pencil" he made out of coal and wood. The first thing he needed to do was create an inventory of everything that was collected inside the cabin!

Fortunately, Xu Mei had a book regarding minerals and ores, which she lent to him beforehand, so Quinlan didn't need to start from scratch in identifying everything.

Slowly, meticulously, and carefully, he started to line up the items he counted to his right, all the while searching for their names and their properties. As he continued to work tirelessly, his eyes began to glow more and more with excitement.

"Amazing! So many new and unique minerals exist in this world!"