It's Not Over Yet!

It was 8 a.m., roughly 32 hours after their anchoring, when the CV-88 Khali began on its way back. The mission was canceled the moment the large nuclear explosion happened, so all teams had already returned to the ship. They had to move before the radioactive fallout reached their docking location, after all.

All but Benno's team managed to return without a single man missing.

The mission would've failed if not for the mountain of data that Yinuo brought back. After all, the other teams did bring back data, but none was as detailed and extensive as what Yinuo gathered.

It was to the point that the analysis team wanted to hire her as their data-gathering specialist, especially for expeditions into Echo-infested lands.

Of course, Yinuo declined the offer. She knew that Quinlan was aiming to be the best Doppel Designer and not a lackey of the analysis team.

The ship sailed away from the land, heading west, back to civilization.