Exploring Nevergreen Forest

With a wooden sword on his right, Kenshi followed Ayame and the rest as he acted as their bodyguard. Kenshi was the most vigilant among them as he always observed every move that the guide made.

If the guide ever showed any hint of hostility, Kenshi was more than prepared to deal with the guide and knock him out with his wooden sword.

With that in mind, they continued following the guide until they arrived at the entrance of Nevergreen Forest.

At first glance, there wasn't anything special about Nevergreen Forest since it's similar to the forest in Blue Star. Nothing stood out from it but that's what made Ayame and the rest even more wary of it.

After all, what's more, unnerving was the unknown that lurked in the shadows. The guide didn't seem to act anything unusual even after arriving at the Nevergreen Forest so they decided to continue following him.