Luxury Cruise Ship Blueprint, Shipwright Authority

[ImNotAManchild: Bruh, what do you even need three selfie toasters for? A pancake robot is far better than a selfie toaster.]

[ChillVibes247: What do you need a pancake robot for? A fleshlight is far better than any of those.]

[FunkyMonkey55: You all should stop ruining the atmosphere of the live stream chat. As if ILikeToLickToes wasn't enough and now another one sullies the chat.]

[Lolz4Days: Says the funky monkey. Anyways, just watch the live stream and ignore the live stream chat if you don't want to see sus chats like those guys. Even Ayame doesn't have the time to moderate the chat and it's left to her moderators. And besides, some of the Dislord admins are in Ayame's team so they can't moderate the live stream chat.]