The Timekeeper At Phantom Library [2]

Kayden, seeing an opportunity, activated his Rock Paper Scissors Authority and challenged the Timekeeper to a game. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

Kayden chose rock, and the Timekeeper chose paper.

In an instant, Kayden's eyes widened in shock as he felt an icy grip on his soul. His body fell to the ground, lifeless and empty.

"Kayden!" Ayame screamed, rushing to his side, but it was too late.

The Timekeeper's victory had claimed his life.

Weiss didn't hesitate, activating his Game Over Retry Authority once more.

Time reversed, and they were back at the moment just before Kayden's challenge.

"You guys can't let your guard down," Weiss reminded them. "The Timekeeper can see your moves since it can foresee the future. You need to outthink it."

Kuroneko, understanding the gravity of their situation, began chanting a spell from his grimoire.

"Dark Magic: Temporal Bind!"