
Chapter 2

A middle-aged man in his late 40s named David Kong could often be found in his dimly lit office, a thin wisp of cigarette smoke curling around him as he leaned back in his leather chair. David, with a perpetually furrowed brow, had built a reputation as the stern and demanding medical director of St. Andrew's Hospital.

One sunny afternoon, as David puffed on his cigarette, the door to his office swung open, and in walked Daniel, a senior doctor in his late 20s. The arrival of Daniel disrupted David's solitary smoke-filled contemplation.

David swiftly removed the cigarette from his mouth and extinguished it in a nearby crystal ashtray, his expression quickly shifting from one of tranquility to one of irritation. He glared at Daniel, the lines on his face deepening, and his voice dripping with disdain as he spoke.

"Do you know why I called you to my office today, Daniel?" David's tone was harsh, and his piercing gaze seemed to bore into Daniel.

Startled by the sudden intrusion and the sternness of David's voice, Daniel began to stammer a response. "S-Sorry, si—"

However, before he could finish his sentence, David abruptly cut him off, his anger intensifying. "Don't you dare talk back to me! You should remember that I am the sole reason you still have a position in this hospital," he declared with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

Daniel, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly adopted a more subservient tone. "Thank you, sir. I am genuinely grateful for your forgiving heart, sir," he said, bowing his head low, his posture reflecting his plea for forgiveness.

David leaned forward, his fingers interlaced, and continued to admonish Daniel. "Yes, you should indeed express your gratitude. Do you comprehend how many times I've had to protect you? My superiors have repeatedly urged me to terminate the employment of those who they believe are dragging this hospital down. How many more times will I shield you from their wrath?" David's words were laden with frustration.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Daniel continued to bow his head and offered a meek apology. "Sorry, Sir. I pledge to improve and not cause you any further inconvenience."

David leaned back in his chair, seemingly satisfied with Daniel's response. "Of course, you won't cause me any more trouble. Now, get out of my office. Your presence here is tainting the taste of my cigarettes," he ordered, making dismissive hand gestures that conveyed his impatience.

Daniel turned and walked towards the door, his face wearing an expression of sadness and resignation. He felt an overwhelming sense of injustice, but the mental image of his family,the reason he persevered in such a trying environment strengthened his resolve.


Outside the hospital, in a secluded spot, two men named Kevin and Cain often met to discuss the hospital's inner workings. They were both familiar with the strained relationship between Senior Doctor Daniel and Medical Director David.

"Senior Doctor Daniel always seems to have it tough, doesn't he? The director never lets up on him," Cain remarked as he took a drag from his cigarette.

Kevin, exhaling a plume of smoke, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's hard not to feel sorry for Daniel. It's like the director has a personal vendetta against him."

Cain, leaning against a weathered brick wall, exhaled slowly and continued, "Director David is a real enigma, you know? I wonder how he managed to climb to such a high position."

Kevin's curiosity piqued. "Tell me more. I've always wondered how someone like David ended up as the director, considering his personality."

Cain glanced around to ensure no eavesdroppers were nearby before he began to unravel the hospital's secret. "Well, let me share a little-known tidbit. This all started about three years ago when Daniel was a fresh-faced intern who had just joined this hospital. Despite his youth, he was remarkably talented, holding a first-class degree in neurosurgery. It's astonishing how swiftly he climbed the ranks, don't you think?" Cain inquired with a sly smile.

Kevin was intrigued. "Impressive, but how did David manage to secure the director's position while Daniel remained where he was?"

Cain leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "That's where it gets interesting. Remember our hospital's groundbreaking wonder drug, the one that treats brain tumors without surgery?"

Kevin nodded, recalling the drug's significance. "It's the hallmark of our hospital's success."

Cain nodded approvingly. "Well, as the story goes, Director David snatched that idea from Daniel when he was still an intern. He sweet-talked Daniel into believing that he would submit the groundbreaking theory to the board with Daniel's name on it. Little did Daniel know that David had other plans. David took sole credit for the discovery, effectively leapfrogging from senior doctor to director."

Kevin was taken aback by the revelation. "So, that's why the director constantly berates Daniel."

Cain confirmed with a knowing look. "Precisely. Daniel is a thorn in the director's side because his remarkable talent allowed him to ascend the ranks so rapidly, and David can't stand his presence. He's doing everything in his power to force Daniel out."

Kevin sympathized with Daniel's plight. "I feel even sorrier for Daniel now. But why hasn't he left this job?"

Cain leaned back, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "He can't leave, Kevin. David has him trapped. David used Daniel's name, fingerprint, and signature to secure a substantial loan, all under the pretense of submitting his groundbreaking theory. Now, the hospital is repaying that debt on Daniel's behalf. The director and the CEO effectively used this scheme as a means to keep Daniel tied to this hospital, leveraging his knowledge for their gain."

Kevin marveled at the complexity of the situation. "Wow, that's quite a story."

Cain chuckled softly. "Indeed, as they say, it's often the political ones who exploit someone else's skills and knowledge to climb the ladder."

Kevin nodded in agreement. "It's a good thing we always stay in the director's good graces."

Cain grinned mischievously. "Absolutely, we'll continue to butter him up to secure those promotions."

With that, they both discarded their cigarettes, crushing them underfoot, and made their way back into the hospital, confident in their ability to maintain their positions of favor within the hospital hierarchy.