
Chapter 9

Daniel peered down at the depth of the elevator, a sense of foreboding settling over him. Fear tightened its grip on his chest as he considered their limited options for escape. The room behind him was rapidly being devoured by the encroaching flames, inching closer to their position.

"I guess there's no other way but to take the jump. It's either that or both of us will be burnt to death," he thought to himself.

Resolute, Daniel reached for the rope attached to an iron fixture beside the elevator. He turned to Helen, determination etched on his face, and said, "Hold on tight. I'm going to jump down, and you mustn't let go."

Helen's eyes filled with confusion and fear as she asked, "Daniel, are you really going to jump down there? Are you insane?"

In response, Daniel, with a gentle smile on his face, reassured her, "You've been my motivation every day when I was at my lowest. I want you to keep on living."

Moved by Daniel's words, Helen's eyes welled up with tears, and she began to cry, overwhelmed by the encouragement and hope he provided. "I'm going to survive and get reunited with my family, no matter how screwed up this world has become," Daniel added, his determination unwavering.

A tremendous explosion emanated from the room behind them, signaling that the flames had almost reached them. Without further delay, Daniel descended down the elevator shaft while clutching the rope, and the piercing sound of Helen's terrified screams echoed through the chaotic surroundings.


Moments later, the resounding sound of David and Helen landing on the elevator floor reached their ears, accompanied by a cloud of dust that obscured their vision. As the dust gradually settled, two figures emerged from the elevator, shaken but miraculously alive.

"I can't believe we both survived. Now, let's finally get out of here," Daniel said, a glint of hope in his eyes, as he extended a hand to help Helen to her feet.

However, Helen did not respond. Her unconsciousness had returned, and her limp form was now in Daniel's arms. Despite her vulnerability, he couldn't help but smile, relieved that at least she was safe.

With Helen cradled in his arms, Daniel made his way towards the exit of the hospital. As they approached, he noticed a fleet of police cars and armored tanks outside. The sight filled him with optimism, believing that rescue had finally arrived.

"We're over here!" he called out, stretching out his arms to signal their location to the potential rescuers.

To his shock, there was no response from the police and military vehicles. As he moved closer, he realized that both the police cars and armored tanks had been destroyed. Their charred remains and signs of explosions were all that remained.

With a sense of dread and disbelief, Daniel shouted, "What happened? Where is everyone?" He was about to approach the damaged vehicles when Helen, who had regained consciousness, suddenly cried out in alarm.

"Don't get closer to those vehicles. I sense something dangerous lurking within the police vehicle and armored tank," she warned, her expression filled with fear.

Taking heed of Helen's warning, Daniel decided to change direction, opting to explore another route. As he walked, he stumbled upon a discarded newspaper on the ground. Picking it up, he glanced at the headline, which stated that the city had fallen.

The newspaper headline weighed heavily on his mind. He felt an urgent need to reunite with his family, and the information spurred him forward, determined to find them as quickly as possible.

Setting Helen down, he inquired, "Do you think you have the strength to walk by yourself?"

Helen nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Yes, I can."

However, her face quickly registered the fear of being left alone as she implored, "Please, take me with you."

Daniel hesitated, genuinely concerned for her safety. "I don't want to put you in danger, Helen. The journey ahead is going to be perilous."

Helen responded, her voice filled with conviction, "I'll do my best not to be a burden, Daniel. Let me go with you."

"Okay, then. Let's start moving. We've wasted enough time standing here," Daniel agreed, and they continued their journey together.

But as Helen took her first step, she let out a scream of pain and agony, her leg throbbing with a painful bruise. Daniel swiftly scooped her up once more, realizing that her injuries needed immediate attention. He said, "Thank you, Daniel, for caring about me," to which he offered a reassuring smile.

As they moved forward, Daniel spotted a campervan parked at the edge of the road. He gently laid Helen on the van's bed and began searching for supplies and a first aid kit to treat her wounded leg. Helen inquired, "What are you looking for, Daniel?"

"We need supplies for the journey because it is going to be a long walk, and also I need to find a first aid kit to tend to your wounds," he replied, his voice filled with concern and determination.

Helen nodded appreciatively, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "Thank you, Daniel. I'm lucky to have you by my side."

With renewed determination, Daniel scoured the campervan for supplies. The vehicle was a treasure trove of essentials for their journey. He found canned food, bottled water, a flashlight, a toolbox, and even a first aid kit tucked away in one of the cabinets. These discoveries gave him a sense of hope and reassurance.

He brought the first aid kit to Helen and began to gently clean and treat her leg wound. Helen winced in pain, but she didn't complain. She knew that her injuries had to be addressed if they were to embark on this perilous journey. Daniel's care and attentiveness were a source of comfort.

As he carefully applied antiseptic and bandaged her wound, he said, "We'll need to ration our supplies and make them last as long as possible. It's going to be a tough journey, but we'll get through it together."

Helen smiled weakly and nodded, "I know we will. You've already proven how strong and resourceful you are, Daniel."

With the first aid administered, they began planning their next steps.