About That Accident

How suspicious. Natalie thought to herself watching her husband spray cologne on his shirt the next morning with a grin on his face.

Alonso came back to the room shortly after she did and she pretended to sleep while keeping an eye on him. He went through the papers she left near her pillow then tossed his clothes, hopped into bed, and started snoring lightly. He was the one who woke her up today, all excited about having breakfast in the summer garden and explaining how the Valois family welcomed spring every year with that tradition.

Though he had plenty of chances, Alonso didn't mention anything about the catfight from yesterday or how she left the mansion in the middle of the night and returned with Kevin.

...So suspicious.

"That's too light for an outdoor breakfast in this weather, here." He handed her a wool jacket, swapping it for the denim one she chose. "Want me to braid your hair?"